Winter is back with 10 degrees out and a high of 29 today. A couple of splits of 7-year-old locust plus mixed in the stove.
After yesterday I can tell you the picture does not do it justice. Beautiful room and home plus a very interesting wood box by the stove.
Not a big deal, just some old sticks I picked up here and there. JimBear is the only reason I have some hedge, and I hope he doesn't get mad at me...
I'll be taking my load of splits to their new home tomorrow. Going to stop on the way back and take a look at a headache rack. Don't need to be...
Ordered 2 of them. 4.4 stars on Amazon at $58. Always scared about the negative reviews and low price but will hope for the best.
:( That stinks. Had to go through a fire with my best friend new years day 2022 when his barn burned down. My heart goes out to them.
We're stuck with no-snow as well. Just been putting in the hours at work so no splitting lately, although I have plenty to split.
Ms. Cleo, thinks she's a dog most of the time but I love her anyway. 4 total cats, Blue, Fretto, and Lucy. Never thought I would just give hedge...
Can you find a beekeeper to save the bees? We had that happen a few years ago and I still regret not trying to save them.
Hey buZZsaw BRAD and Sandhillbilly , I added some sprinkles, aka hedge, to the load. What do you think?[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Not my first time, and I doubt it will be my last. So far seems like the Idea Steel takes it like a champ.:yes:
Good looking stove you got there.
Sorry to hear that. Everything should go to the spouse but I understand if she doesn't want to fight them. My dad passed away last spring and my...
Some fantastic work there Krackle_959 . Wish I was that organized. I put my totes up on cinder blocks for more air flow but don't have a way to...
Should get to upper 50's today,:thumbs: so no fire. Need to look the stove over tonight as I fell asleep after loading it last night and had the...
x2 Pretty stacks. Mulberry is definitely in the top 5 of favorites. Just have to watch the sparks when opening the door. Looking like a nice few...
That thing is awesome! Not that much of a load on it but other than riding nicer, it doesn't know it's back there. Still need to get used to not...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]Guessing half cord of very dry (white oak in the tote and the rest silver maple and ash.
Guess I was lucky with the X-Cut I picked up. Grabbed a 100' SP83 from HL Supply for $300. After that I got a 100' of the SP33 for the same price...