I believe we made it to the 60's the past couple of days so the stove is cold for now.
Looks like it's almost a lifetime supply of BTU's for most hoarders. Heck, who am I kidding? Hoard on. Started the old splitter with new motor...
I'd say you had a good year Joe, congratulations.
-15 this morning, new record, and -12 predicted tomorrow, could be a record, and then the big warm up starts. Thank goodness as I picked up...
You country boys are much tougher than us city girls.
But it's a dry heat, right? :rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol:
You do a first-rate job keeping them happy. Great work as always.
A bit chilly here plus another 5" white stuff this morning. Got the driveways taken care of after work and looks like we got another dusting....
early to mid-80's?
Thanks for carrying on the tradition.
Jeff, Reflecting back on my earlier posts I will say that I do miss the cash that Lefty and I made. At our peak it was about $2,000 each for the...
A balmy 8 degrees here. Brought in 4 loads yesterday including some 7 year old locust for overnights. Talking up to 4" snow again tomorrow and...
You're right Brad, When Lefty was with us he would sell some of what we split and I would get 50% of the cash. I leave some totes of split out...
No logging around here, too cold for me. I also agree with those who feel firewood is too much work to just sell it, so I give a little here and...
x2 just emptied tote number 4 plus what I brought in and I try to over fill them.
Had some sprinkles yesterday, but luckily it stayed warm enough to not freeze. Today started out 28 degrees and currently sitting at 18 and...
4 degrees and dropping. Full load of hedge in the stove.[ATTACH]