Her job is to watch out for the wolf who is running around there, causing static. Ill tried to enlist her for firewood dutys before it just didnt worked out the way i wanted.
While cutting brush today, i came across some black locust. Guess what, ready to burn... well most of it. In the end just a matter of days.
Amen! Took off early from work, as i had extra hours on the hand and it was well worth it. Getting out and running the saws makes me real happy.
Found some Mossy Oak, inbetween rotten ash and birch rounds. Chopped off the rotten bits and left them for another day.
Thanks Buddy! Ill take pictures of those splits the morra. It was allready dark when i got home. I thought it was rotten, tried it with the small huskie...had to come back the next day with the Big Berta.
3 loads, seemed to be cut years ago. Laying in the mud and a bit soaky. Time to dry just on the rightside... Also a little load there for a week beside the stove.
I even took the time to split the rest of last years cut...mission accomplished. Allright enough fun for today, time to call it a day.