I have, don't think they will work too well. The cover bolts would be in the tunnels, or block the jug bolts. This case boltpattern is pretty much at it's limit with the sleeve od.
Put the hybrid in the hands of a faller, dropping some trees at my uncles. He had never run an echo before, didn't know they still made saws. Ran 660's then switched to 395's with a 24" I asked him to try my hybrid. 24" 3/8 light bar. He ran 3 tanks through dropping/ limbing to finish out the day. He said it was snappy, torquey, light nimble. And he wanted one lol He wanted bigger dawgs on it and a 20" bar to drop/buck some smaller trees tomorrow. So I swapped the 620 cover on for the extra dawgs. See how he likes that setup. Told him it's not for sale yet, just need someone to put some time on it and provide some feedback. Never met the fella before today, figure no better tester than a stranger.
Playing with the sleeve idea again today. Bore the 50mm jug to 2.188, heat the jug to 450* set sleeve outside 15*. Drop sleeve in .0015" shrink fit. Bore sleeve to 2.042 hone to 2.047/52mm Still have a bit more to hone, then carve out the ports. So far so good
That’s awesome to get that kind of an opportunity! I wouldn’t have had any doubts he’d like it either. That’s a sweet saw!
I figured he would be left wanting. Coming off a 395 24" But that wasn't the case. Honestly pretty well carving through. 071" at a time. Maybe just a bit easier than mufflers, think the wall thickness allows and angle to prevent chatter. I'll let ya know once I get to the uppers...
These uppers ought to be in the 125*+ range vs the 118* of the current hybrid jug. If I do another I will srough in the ports before pressing the sleeve.
Yes, didn't get a measurement for the bottom, just the top. Poke a hole in then find the bottom. Using a 6 flute aluma hog burr. Working well so far.
Not yet. May give it a try. The longer shank will come in handy with the extra extension length I left on the jug.
I don't think it'll like cutting steel. But she really flies through the aluminum. My exhaust ports are all a couple degrees higher using that burr lol
Cast iron "chips" almost to a fine powder. Isn't hard to whittle on. Think the biggest thing is the better quality of the burr. Vs the cheap eBay ones that work ok in the aluminum.