If the 462 has the same crappy mounts as a 661 it will be like a floppy hat after 100 hours or so and need new mounts for longer bars. Flippy caps and floppy mounts do sound good together a 372 with the same bar feels more solid than a used 661 did with 110 driver Oregon light weight.
Yeah except the STIHL starts and runs everyday and stays intact ... pretty sad when you have to disassemble a brand new saw (husky) and loctite every fastener ! Only husky I own is WWS 395xp ... now That saws’ a runner !!!
I dont have oroblems with my huskies starting. I have worse luck running stihls. New 660 I bought lost the e clip, sprocket, and rim on the 2nd cut when I got home. I've lost just as many bolts off stihls as I have huskies. I use loctite on stihls just like huskies. Improper torque is what most lose bolts from.
Again I have no idea where you get this from, the 460 is not a torque saw and they can rev too the moon. The 461 has front feeding transfers, likely to slow down the charge and preheat it a little. This helps lower unburnt hydrocarbons. The debate on this and the case stuffer "as I call it" continues. I think a some are forgetting fact and opinion are two very different things.
That new 462 is only a few ticks behind a ported and broken in 461, that's extremely impressive. I've seen saws gain as much as 20% after break-in.
The 460 and 461 are based on the same platform and do share parts interchangeability.. the 461 has a crank stuffer and has quad transfers with an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT Jug ... this is not an “opinion” sir ... if so inclined check out Hotsaws101 video bench talk showcasing the 460/461 chainsaws ... a link for your enjoyment sir
Sir I've ported a 461, and more than a few 460's. It is clear you have no clue what your talking about, and what I said went over your head. Have a good day.
Please explain the sentence “ it is clear you have no clue what you are talking about and ....”. I just provided a link with the saws torn down ... with all due respect sir ... Jack has ported Many more 460/461 series than you have ... I will take his expertise over yours any day of the week and twice on Sunday ! Hawa Rice - Day Andy
Oh good lord, no wonder you were chased off elsewhere. Sorry everyone Fabz has been an issue on other forums and has always been argumentative. I will no longer respond to his post.
My 46s would tune a good 1k rpm higher than the 461. They both would hold about the same rpm in wood and the 46 would wear it out in a cant
I would like to see a bottom fed quad like the 261 in the 70cc range. Pure speculation as to why they chose to use a front feed in the 661/461 but I do know the secondaries are pooly fed. The part of the 462 that intrigues me the most is the crankcase divider between the front transfer port and the rest of the case.