(In a high pitched female voice) “who’s that knocking at my door “(3x) said the fair young maiden ....... well ..... open the door you ...... ..... said barnacle bill the sailor
Ive been putting the mufflers in a toaster oven after adding your deflectors and painting them Joe. I let them bake for an hour. Seems to be working well. Make sure they are pefectly clean before painting.
Says to wait 1 hr before heating. Got a junk toaster it will go in for a bit tomorrow. This is the first one I've ever painted lol. Well second time, but first muffler. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
How possible/feasible is it to cut off the fins around the exhaust port to give some room for welding around the exhaust flange to allow you to go wider?
Now if one were to bore out the plating, and add a couple mm bore size. It may be worthwhile to have it welded wider before replating... Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Pretty cool stuff. That makes a pretty neat sleeper with all the covers on. Sounds like your having some fun there.
Yes and add 1/2" more length then machine the correct angle instead of a spacer. Same with the intake.. Same game over and over gets old No? Gotta watch some rugby occasionally lol. Thank you. Beginning goal. Was Echo, 24"bar and light. Then seeing how well the covers fit. Sleeper saw. Now seeing how boring the jug will help get even better port timing. Without the plating will allow all the welding needed to make the jug fit without spacers. 52 mm would add 20cc over stock. 1/3 more saw in the same chassis is pretty exciting to me. Plus Echo lol Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Liked the way it handled when I ran it the other day. Very nimble saw even with the 28 l&t you had on it. Can't wait to get my b!tch mits on it again in a couple days!
Imo, it feels a lot stronger than when you ran it last. Bigger carb, ignition advance, unlimited coil, more exhaust outlet. And porting. Picked up a 24" lightweight... gws other firewood saws lol Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk