Hey guys .sorry wrong post to do this but thanks for the welcome i appreciate it .now on with these awesome sounding foods lol
That's one of the reasons that i love this forum. A thread can go on a tangent and everyone keeps up having good clean fun!
Chipsflyin i 100%agree. i joined this site about a year or 2 ago with a diff user name and different saw lol didnt really have the time as much as i wanted to on here. so came and rejoined again this has always been a great forum and was very helpful for me in the past. i look forward to being a old/new member to the forum again thanks again guys in advance
I love homemade CRUNCHY peanut butter, on toast made from HOMEMADE white bread.....lol So I'm partial.....
Or try using mayonnaise instead of butter for your toasted cheese sammiches.....make sure you sprinkle some garlic powder on the mayo before it hits the skillet... Trust me......it's good.
My old user name was stihl250 but since than ive had emal changes and all .if anything u can delete my old account if wanted.no need for my old profile anymore .thank you
What are you, from the south or something? Who's close enough to Jim to give him a drive by smack?! I knew there was something wrong with you! Just kidding JBTN.... A yankee that doesn't like ketchup on his eggs....sheesh
I dont put ketchup on anything, except for........... Wait for it................. CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP!!! I'm not making that up. Ive done that since I was a kid. My sisters do also.
Gotta be creamy, if you're like probably one of the laziest, most worthless coworkers I have ever had in 29 years of heavy construction. He's so lazy, he can't muster up the gumption in the morning to smear a little peanut butter between two slices of bread. He just grabs the jar and a spoon and licks that up for his lunch. On the really hot days, what doesn't melt and leaks out the jar all over the dash in his pickup, he just drinks.
That's what I'm talkin about! The only thing to add is that its gotta be Smuckers Jelly...course I may be a lil partial
We argued about that one section of counter top she has to use no matter what! Even though there's ten times the space and then dawned on me... Apparently we both had to use it! I rebelled and started my own countertop space on the other side of the kitchen
Buy one jar of creamy, one jar of chunky, one loaf of wheat, one loaf of rye and there will be peace in the house; everyone will be happy. Big Hugs.
My friend likes crunchy peanut butter. For a snack one day he wanted peanut butter and crackers. Well folks, with crunchy peanut better the top won't stay on the crackers; there is not enough of sticky due to the bits of peanuts. Works OK on a sandwich but not so great for crackers.