That is a good way to say it. I still use both. Popping rounds with the maul and with the 22-ton both have their rewards.
couple pieces from 15" Hickory snag about 1 month ago....Not real big but was pretty gnarly.X27 bounced a few times,then I got serious
I got tons of the stuff....I keep some smaller (1" to 2" branches,slivers from splitting,other scraps) pieces for cooking,all the big stuff helps heat the house.Once in a while I get a few pieces nice enough for woodturning/other crafts,but its very hard to dry without major cracking/warping due to its density.
Yep, me too, for many years! Wish I still could, but now my son handles the Monster Maul and me the 22 ton with a handle
I use both methods. Sometimes I just feel like whacking some logs and other times I just want to get the job done. Either way is effective.
Gum is good for...well....nothing...unless you count frustration. Splits like chit and burns even worse.
I hand split at moose camp Only because the splitter is to big & heavy to load in/out of the jon boat to get it to/from camp . LOL Stack of birch in picture, some spruce under the cook tarp
Really enjoying all the info and technique from all you guys. Keep it coming. Wealths of wood knowledge.
I hand split. With my X27 it's pretty quick work. If I had the money to buy a splitter, I'd spend it on saws instead- I have CAD to treat!
I was new to this world after sandy hit us, I ended up splitting 3 cords and ended up with tendinitis, so I got the Huskee 22. I really like the fact that I can pull out the 22 whenever I want and work as long as I want, I've always had limited time to split. Now the pain has disappeared I can do by hand or machine depending on my mood. I tell you though, I lost 15# when I was splitting by hand...
I own 1/4 share of a splitter. I went in on it with 3 other close neighbors. When the splitter is down due to a number of reasons to include squirrel eating the plastic gas tank, neighbor flipping it upside down while backing up, general maintenance, etc, I split with the caveman maul. When the splitter is up and running, I use it.
Here's my 3 pt heavy duty wood buster, run around with it hangin' off the old ford tractor, vertical/horizontal use. I also use a fiskars, regular axe, sledgehammers, wedges, splittin' mauls, chains, ropes, pocketknives, cusswords, etc....
Similar + couple hundred pounds of neck, back-strap, fillet, heart & ribs in meat bags 8 lb maul at camp& it's in the P/U when out cutting,, just in case it's needed.