Chimney up....... Stove pipe on, things cleaned up, fresh paint....... (wanted a better picture, the sun was reflecting everywhere)
That's a really nice, clean install. I like the color of the pad much better. You must be really happy to have it installed now. What is that, four heat sources now? Ya done good. Way to get it done.
Thanks, I'm really stoked right now! Super cedar & kindlin with a couple splits, primary air wide open.... bypass damper open, learning the flu temps while having a coal bed then closing the bypass will be a learning curve, plus knowing what setting the primary should be at. Will probably takes awhile to fine tune, but once I'm dialed in, supposed to give 17 hours of steady heat, which is a long shot, but we'll see! Glad is a little warm out, 43°F so i can leave a window open to burn of this paint I did.
We will be in the upper 40's for a high all week. We've had bitter cold already alot, been snowing off and on for 3 weeks. It could be sunny and warm, and soon after, blizzard conditions, like this past Friday. I think this stove compared to the castine, I'll get longer burn times. The fire seems to be a faint ghost like fire now, mostly coming from the bottom rear combustion package, but also getting the ghost like flames coming up to the glass. Pretty cool so far......
Thats good that you can put it through its paces before winter really hits. I saw a Harman Oakwood on CL down this way. I belive it is the big brother of yours?
Yea, it's quite a bit bigger, solid stove. The cooking grille looks cool, just sits inside the top load door.
thanks! Once my skills are fine tuned, I'll post a video. Might take a little while to learn this thing. Currently, have a small ghost like fire going, but a little smoke coming from chimney. So I'm not there just yet
Oops, forgot to answer your question...... 3 heat sources..... oil/kero, pellet, wood. Maple lets off some heat too....
Way to go man,Real Nice job ,gettin er done and ya got er choochin too Can't beat , good old fire n heat
The first load was small, a test load. Burned it down to nearly all coals and got it right this time........ loaded bigger splits on a coal bed- bypass damper open, primary open, within ten minutes, flu temps right, closed bypass, no smoke from chimney and just a glow with some ghost like flames here and there. Everything happens in the bottom rear, I think I'll get decent burn times from this thing! Edit...... I'm seeing bigger puffs of flames, which when ignited, kinda shaking the stove pipe a bit....... This normal? No ash exploding anywhere through the stove like a you tube video ive seen.
I have one open...... didn't hook up the oak, it's a 4.5" inlet! Was going to test out awhile, then decide. I do have insulated oak pipe.
You were very lucky to jump on getting that stove and getting it installed so quickly. I've seen Novembers where the snow started the first of Nov. and didn't leave until spring. Would be a lot harder to do with ice on the roof. Good job well done.