BTW papadave, glad to hear things are tightening up in your house No side comments, no off color talk, just simply happy for ya! I must not be feeling right.....
Hernia messin' with ya'... some kinda' fevah? Primary (controllable), secondary (not controllable), and the "doghouse", which comes in two holes. One in each of the front corners on the underside of the stove body, behind the front legs (I installed the legs).
Supposed to get down to 8 and 4 tonight and tomorrow night, so it'll be a nice test to see how well this has affected my ability to heat the house and the house to maintain that heat. If recent results are any indication, things should be better. I only put in 7 Maple splits before bed last night (normal would have been 10-12) and woke to the house at 68 and lots of coals in the stove. Three splits of Maple to take out the slight chilled feeling and we're up to 73. OAT was about 24 or so, and in order to hit our high of 21, the temp needed to drop. We're almost there. This has been our new normal since the windows/door install. I knew that room was leaky, but wow. Normally, the house would be down around 66-67 in the AM, and it would take longer to bring the temp back up. The kitchen would normally have been 3-4 degrees cooler most of the time too. Temp difference now is usually only a single degree. Temps in the low to mid teens will be a better test.
Sounds like a nice improvement. I've used incense stick smoke carefully around the house locating leaks. I have a laser thermometer now.
Nice, I am happy for you. Something good! Not easy getting into a situation and then having to turn it all around. Hope you are safe and warm. Larry
Did some shopping today and grabbed a single sheet of 1/4" drywall as a test. I've got to do a little shimming of a couple studs next to one of the windows, as they've got a bow that needs to be filled. I have a plan, but expect it to change at any given moment. Grabbed a pack of T&G pine, but forgot wife wanted beadboard wainscot. I refuse to use the crappy fiberboard stuff, so any suggestions for an actual Pine beadboard source is welcome. Still not sure how I want to do the window/door trim. Might go real simple for a while. I have a bundle of FG batts to finish the insulation, so there's that too. Thanks for that Larry. This has been .......interesting. Definitely safe and warm.
All in all, gooder news report, papadave Bet you're getting stoked on nearly having put this behind you
Dang, that's right. I already forgot about your living room wainscoting. What a great solution. I'll go check it out. Thanks Eric and Grizz. Eric VW , I'm getting closer every day, but it'll take me a little while to finish. I like to think I'm on the downhill slide. Weeeeee My wife thought it important to put some stuff back in the room......
I didn't see any when I was there, but according to the website, HD has 5/16" pine T&G beaded planks, as well as the v-groove planks I got. However, I didn't see those. I have the aisle and bay location, so I'll be on a mission to check those out sometime soon. I'll check out any ply beadboard too. This will be finished with a semi-transparent stain.......maybe. Wife says the wainscot has to be white. White, it shall be.
Well, I'm waaay beyond plan b. There may well be an alien alphabet in use at this point. Loaded up with Oak last night before bed about 11, and when I got up at 6:45, OAT was 15, with 66 in here. Tons of coals. Not as good as I'd hoped for, but with 4 Maple splits, we were back up to 70 in about 1/2 hour. So heat loss is still an issue (this is no surprise.....back bedroom is the main culprit, I think, as well as the attic), but recovery time is reduced quite a bit.