So the Hawke scope is going back. There's nothing wrong with it. Nicely executed and good aesthetic. Illuminated reticle is nice. It doesn't stand up to the Sightrons. Less bright and less clarity looking side by side. My old eyes are needing all the light they can get these days. Will trade for another Sightron which if is still on sale will be about $50 less for same spec. I'm not a high end optics guy. I wanted to try something new. The Hawke looked promising. I hate to sound like a brand hussy. The Sightrons in this cost range are superior for me.
I noticed the ruger rxm has a profile similar to the m&p series I saw these blackhawk made in italy leather holsters These used to be 40.00-50.00+ Blackhawk Leather Holster | eBay The glock 19/23 also fits it.
I handled the fil's RXM the other day.... From what I'd heard and seen of it I had hight hopes, but no thanks....
I was in my local gun store and a woman my age 50s Came in and asked how do you tell these things apart now there used to be just a few brands i said basically you can't There's far too many to keep track of Revolvers are nearly timeless except now some hold 7 or 8 shots basically unchanged otherwise On semi auto's it Just caliber's and mainly trigger actions like striker or double action,single action only.fullsize, compact or micro And capacity is mainly the differences. And the newest thing if you want a red dot scope many take those now She said i know ruger i have one I'll take a ruger the guy said which one She said you choose it's a gift for my son. So he handed her a ec9s And she bought it. Nice little guns i shot a couple good trigger's and accurate.
So basically the store made a straw sale knowing she was going to give it to her son and she committed a felony when she filled out the form and said it was for herself.
Love my state I've gifted several family members firearms over the year's No permit open or concealed carry laws either for us allowed to have firearms.
It's not a straw purchase unless you are knowingly buying a gun for a prohibited person, such as a fellon. Unless that definition has changed at radom like many other ATF rules.
I was really hoping the ruger Ruger rxm grip was going to feel more like the sig 365. I found it very boxy, or squarish, especialy the rear, and it definitely didn't feel good in my hand. I was quite disappointed.
A fella at a shop in Athens said that there were rumored to be a couple different companies making plates/grips for those. I have not actually looked that close at them. Do they have replaceable grips & such ?
The grip suits me perfectly lol Better than than any other polymer pistol except the cz p10 series and the taurus ts9 Eventually they are saying a variety of grip frames and capacity's
I'm not sure, I haven't looked into the pistol that much.... The size of the grip was decent, or at least not bad....think I'd prefer just a smidge smaller. But those rear corners felt so squarish, and really pressed into my palm. Don't believe I've picked up a cz p10. I keep coming back to the has felt the best in my hand
Some of us are wondering what happens to prior registrations if this becomes reality. Can I pull a CIA and burn everything? If the tax is a tax for tax sake, will people who have paid it in the past see refunds? If the agency can operate without the tax, then it is a tax for tax sake.
I will have to listen again but I thought he said they would have 1 year to get rid of all prior registration/paperwork. I would love to see some $$$ returned but will gladly forgo a return for a bit more freedom & less bureaucratic bs on future purchases. I like this proposed act but in reality I don’t believe it has much of a chance of passing.
Aside from 2 SBR forms, all of them I have filled out have been for silencers. Substantial money honestly. Enough to buy more. lol
Tikka, Howa, CZ, Savage and Ruger is where I'd start. often has the Howa barreled actions on sale. You can then choose your own stock that you prefer.
I been doin some reading. Low & behold I find out that Howas are actually Toyotas. lol The Ruger American Gen2 variants are attractive (features and pricing). I'm looking with something that has threads on end of barrel. I'm having a heart vs brain battle over cartridge. Heart wants 06. Brain says get 308. No telling who's gonna win yet. Ballistic cousins. 06 gonna allow slightly longer range. 150+ factory loadings available for 308. 15% less felt recoil than 06. Terminal performance favors 06. I'm not looking to become Chris Kyle. I have never allowed myself to own a big whapper before...not a ton of need honestly. It's time though.
Hard to beat the value for performance of the Ruger American rifles. I've had 5 total and still have 2. I'll have no concerns about buying another. Howa makes the majority of Weatherby rifles.