Purchased and planted: 2 apple, one Italian prune plum, one peach. The apples do well. The prune plum was planted 4 or 5 years ago and hasn't produced anything yet. The peach was planted in spring of 23 and it doesn't look good this year. My parents have a crimson maple that spawns more around the edge of their yard. I've saved 8 of those and planted them on my property. They range from 4ft to 20ft tall now. I also save firs and cedars that I find sprouting up around my property. Once they're big enough, I find a place for them in the woods out back. The biggest one now is a fir about 6ft tall.
It’s a Christmas miracle. A squirrel finally planted a black walnut for me I collected a couple trash barrels full of walnuts last fall, and towards the end of the season I got sick of processing them and dumped out half a barrel about 30 feet away. This one popped up 15 feet from one I planted last year, so I’ll let it grow. I’m glad I was paying attention while pulling weeds today.
If I'm planting trees, we're playing ball. If I'm working on a vehicle, we're playing ball. If I'm splitting wood, we're playing ball.
My 2 year old black locust is really growing vigorously. This one week old sucker appeared out of nowhere, 5 feet from the mother tree. At this rate I wouldn’t be surprised if the main tree flowers for the first time next May.
I picked up a new firewood customer today and he happens to run a garden center/nursery from his property. I checked out his website before making the delivery and saw that he sold several cultivars of pawpaw trees. We had a nice chat about tree nerd stuff and he gave me a few seeds. These’ll be a nice addition to the wild-type pawpaw trees I’m already growing at home. I’ll update the results in about 8-10 years