Hey NewYorkNewJack , Glad to meet you! Lots of very knowledgeable folks here. Sounds like you are into some good firewoods. We burn mostly Fir and Medrone here in the Pacific NW. By all means take Backwoods Savage 's advice and add some goodies to your signature line. It is fun and interesting to all! We also love pictures. Again, a hearty welcome!
Welcome to the forum NewYorkNewJack There is a lot of good info shared here. However, we do like a bit of fun picking on each other. All in jest, tho.
How much wood do you burn per season NewJack? I’m in the 4-5 cord range. Currently have about 22-23 cords c/s/s. One of the first things I learned on this forum was the 3 year plan. Then I surpassed 3 and went to 4, then 5.
I usually burn about 4 for the last few years due to a mild winter. I don’t like to pay the oil man anything. I get about 1 fill up a year so that makes me happy. I’m trying to get into a 3 year plan and I think I’ll be able to do that with this tree guy that I recently became friends with.
Thanks , I’m happy to be here even though it’s been only a day but sure can see the love every one here has for each other. Now I know I look forward to talking to you all Locust Post
Some people claim Ash will dry in the amount of time it takes to hit the ground from standing. The old tale is it can be burnt green. Something about the species just seems to dry a lot faster than others. I split mine in Nov/Dec and burn it the following year. I've split and stacked it as late as early May and it's dry enough that same fall/winter. It might have more to do with how and where it's stacked but you can get it down under 18% in about 9 months.
Hi NewYorkNewJack Welcome aboard! I was thinking about your splitter. I have a similar 28 ton splitter with a 9.5 horse Koehler motor. I’ve noticed that if I draw the cylinder back all the way before I shut it off, it can make startup very difficult the next time I use it. It puts pressure on the motor. So I’ve learned never to draw the cylinder back all the way. I always give the cylinder a half inch or so of wiggle room before I shut it down. Hopefully it’s that simple. Worth a look, anyway! Good luck! -Cash
According to the firewood poem ash is tops Beechwood fires are bright and clear If the logs are kept a year, Chestnut's only good they say, If for logs 'tis laid away. Make a fire of Elder tree, Death within your house will be; But ash new or ash old, Is fit for a queen with crown of gold Birch and fir logs burn too fast Blaze up bright and do not last, it is by the Irish said Hawthorn bakes the sweetest bread. Elm wood burns like churchyard mould, E'en the very flames are cold But ash green or ash brown Is fit for a queen with golden crown Poplar gives a bitter smoke, Fills your eyes and makes you choke, Apple wood will scent your room Pear wood smells like flowers in bloom Oaken logs, if dry and old keep away the winter's cold But ash wet or ash dry a king shall warm his slippers by