Hello. I live in the country. Have had chickens for 5 years and never had a problem...yeah, I got one now though. I only keep about 5 hens at a time and never had any problems with predators. Well, that's the past! A weasel cleaned out my birds! My chicken run was fenced on all sides with chain link fence, was worried about coyotes in my area. I want to upgrade my fencing...but how small of fence do I go with to keep weasels out? the average opening of chicken wire doesn't seem small enough? Also, I just started building 'weasel boxes'. Better fencing and and weasel boxes - that's my plan...very open to other ideas too! Thank you.
Sorry to hear that... I personally cant help on the weasel we have to deal with dogs, coyotes, foxes, and raccoons... But there's a couple of guys up in the northeast that might have some experience. (Well Seasoned ... ReelFaster.... stuckinthemuck ) .... Also you might put a post in the Chicken thread to catch some thoughts. Good luck and keep us posted... Homesteading - Chicken Coop Build ,Chickens,Pond, Garden & Projects
You want to use hardware cloth. Staple it all around and even send it into the ground and outward about a foot to stop digging predators.
What size hardware cloth? I can get 1/4 inch, 1/2 and of course larger... Yes, a horizontal run will be done this time.
1/2" works great, galvanized w/ welded seams. I can't post a link for some reason here but look up hardware cloth
Well Seasoned hit the nail on the head with what I'd recommend. I don't believe I have weasels in my area but hardware cloth buried below grade for sure. I've also put some spare cinder blocks around certain area's just to make it harder and put them below grade a little as well. Check CL or FB Marketplace, ironically I found a few bundled up rolls of hardware cloth laying out in the trash one morning on my way to work. I am in the process of fortifying the run as I've dodged a few bullets with Racoons in the area. Not sure how my hens are still alive as the battery on my coop door died for a week or so, was wide open all night.
Just lost my last chicken 2 weeks ago, I too need to set defenses before getting more birds. I don't think we have weasels here...may have been a fox or coon. Front towards enemy...
Raccoons can manipulate knobs latches ect. Were your chickens free ranging or were they attacked in the coop?
I had to bury that hard wire cloth as I had a rat or 2 dig under the perimeter fence and into the coup to eat food. Dug it up many years later when we got rid of our flock and it was still very solid.