Thanks for the compliment. If you had seen some of the piles we have had to throw away because of procrastination, you would . Even though we are getting to clear this lot, there's no way I'm letting these beautiful logs go bad, unless I'm deathly ill. So, time to get ...
Well, got that pile stacked in totes... 330 gal = 1/3 cord 275 gal = .28 cord Got to &enough to finish this tote today So when it's done, close to another cord done.
Had time this morning to get a little more production done. Started out with 4 logs/28 rounds. After sorting out the punky pieces into the firepit wood bin, took another log to finish the tote. This order for 1/2+ cord is ready Then got dump trailer, conveyor and splitter set up again, bucked and split 2 bigger logs. Got 8 bigger logs and 2 small ones staged for processing today. I'll get a this morning.
I like the conveyor into the trailer. Walking back and forth from the splitter with split wood becomes a pain after awhile.
So now that you are getting used to your new splitter, what would you estimate your cords/hr processed at?
Yes ma'am, it does. When we loaded the trailer before, I always tries to get the trailer close enough to the splitter to just hand the splits to Miz Carol or set them on the edge of the trailer, 1 or 2 at a time. It was slower, but cleaner. I see now we will have to keep it swept out more.
I'm still depends on the size of the rounds and splits you want to make. Most folks down here don't want huge splits, so we have more to resize. We did that pile that was stacked in the totes in 3 hrs, almost a cord. The 6 way is faster...if you have the right size rounds.
Nothing better than seeing all those splits tacked perfectly in the trailer You working with all Oak?
Miz Carol stacked the first pile from the 2 logs (14 rounds). Made 1 row across... There are 9 logs, not 10, that were brought to the splitter... 3...12' 4...10.5' all these are really nice size 2...10.5' small logs Got those bucked to 18"... 66 rounds ready to feed Blue Samson this morning... Wonder how many rows this will make...... Leave a guess, if ya like...
We didn't get the trailer finished, but did get 50 rounds split and loaded. Miz Carol said she likes to old way better, where I handed her the splits, she said she was scared the splits coming off the conveyor was going to hit her...I asked if she wanted my hard hat......... So we just split a pile and I helped her get that stacked, then split more...should finish loading this morning
We got the trailer finished this morning, we will deliver it Sunday afternoon. 1 more cord from Plantation.
Were the fans in the first couple of pics blowing on you or your stacks? They are pointed at the stacks is why I ask.
If we are working during hot weather, the fans are on us. When we stop working, we turn the fans on the stacks. Not a lot of wind down here, so we create it...