We started a 3 acre site clearing job for a friend in mid-April... Our biggest logging job yet. And worked through the summer on days off... Phase 2 logging Our friend Haftacut wondered if we could see how much firewood this will produce. I'll give it a shot on what we brought home, maybe I can remember what wood came from where... 1st cord 2md cord Customer picked up the 1st cord, so we filled that side again with bigger splits for another customer...3rd cord After that load was picked up, we filled the side again...4th cord The next shed was dedicated to 1 customer who normally gets about 4 loads/year. 1.3 cords at least...5.3 cords Had several 1/3 cord loads to deliver...2 more cords Then we had a customer order 2 dump trailer loads...2 cords Looks like 9.3 cords processed so far. I'll try my best to keep it updated
Gotta feel good to see the fruits of your labor, and how exactly they translate into splits! Your stacks are always a thing of beauty Now that you’ve had the new splitter and conveyor for a while, ha you any idea how much more productive they make you?
Thanks for the idea for rhe thread, brother. I don't how to figure that one out, I do know it's been a game changer. We did a pickup load stacking off the end of the splitter in less than an hour the other morning, and that is with replitting the bigger splits. We have the conveyor twice. Made the big pile, got almost 6 loads/2 cords from it. Then a coworker picked up a load of pecan, we used it to load his trailer, worked great for that too.
I’ll echo what others have said…great stacks and the trailer loads are so nicely stacked too. Have you raised your prices at all?
Very nice work Jeff. Glad you’re liking your new toys,,,,,er tools. That’s your 12 foot trailer right?
Thanks, my friend. Just have some great logs to work with... There's plenty of ugly ones around, especially when we get into the top sections.
Thanks, my friend. Yes sir, that's the 7x12 dump trailer, we painted a yellow line at 9', stack to that line and then throw a little in the front for good measure = 1 cord
Thank you, sir. We made a measuring stick from a broom handle and recently got the Acc u mark gauge that sticks to the bar.
Bucked about 12-15 logs Thursday morning from the first Plantation trees we cut, made about 90-100 rounds. Started the splitter @7:40PM Friday night I worked by myself for awhile, loading the lift, sorting splits. My hunny came later and helped sort/pile splits. She rolled the last 6-8 big rounds on the lift after I got them lined up. We were done @ 10:43PM... Fire pit and kindling scraps went in the plastic tote 3 hr pile...used the 4 way and single wedge to resplit...hope to get some stacked in some totes tonight after work.