My first crib ever...last year...went pretty well. We used to just put the old regular stack on em’. Was going real nice last fall until the last few pieces my boy put on. He was braggin’ it up...’boy dad our pile’s lookin’ real good’. Then all of a sudden our pile became his pile and he wasn’t liking it. I laughed so hard...he started walking away laughing and I restacked end. Lol! Was all my fault and he wasn’t having it that I put it on him. We got a chuckle out of it. When I was done it became our pile again. His last few pieces wasn’t at fault. Ol’ dad had built a leaning tower of pizza...wood.
Thanks for noticing yawner, i cribbed in the middle cuz that was two cords so i split it. Today i just kept a long run. Sometimes i will put a horizontal piece in if its leaning a little.
I will sometimes extend a split or two between two cribs, or from the crib back into the stack to tie them together and stabilize the cribs.
We as well only crib on the ends, unless we have different wood to separate (drying time). I'm a so so cribber, but the Mrs. can crib as fast as one can stack, and make the ends tight and stable. She has an eye for which piece will work, it's like doing a jigsaw puzzle to her.
I just crib the ends. I’ll save some nice straight grained rounds for the cribbing. Stack everything else in between. The splits in the last pic to the left were tossed aside for when I get to the end.
Funny thing but most of my stacks end up with a cord or just a tad over. That way if I do sell, I make sure people get their money's worth. I also give them kindling wood.
I just build racks out of pallets, no cribbing needed. My kids can fill the racks without any supervision, and the steel or plastic roofing becomes a semi permanent part of the rack for many years of use
This is the way we build one cord racks. Stacked to the top, like this measured out to be 1,25 cords.
That’s a great idea putting a row of pallets going along the center of those. In the past, I was able to cut wood a little more conservatively because it was black locust. I got the liking to do them small because the wood went a long way in the stove and there wasn’t many knots in them so it was really easy to get a consistent split. How deep was each row?
I cut my wood at roughly 17" long, and which fits perfectly on an average pallet as shown Out of 16+ cords stacked this way, only one section fell over from the outer end shrinking more than the middle. I do go around with the maul and tap them back in every so often. When I cribbed on rails, I had piles fall over all the time
one of my better cribbed ends stack with pallet ends. 4' wide pallet will be triple row stack when done. Pic from May
I will crib end if needed for customers, I stack mine in racks made of pallets to measure out cords. I did crib ends at a yard I was sub-leasing to store wood at, worked ok, saved me from making racks for a temporary area. Side note, picture was from when a buddy gave me a ‘cord’ of wood. Barely over 2/3. Ouch. He made good, but amazing how I didn’t even notice when looking at the pile. In my defense we were talking. Once I started stacking I sure realized it!
Seeing, when it was so hot during the summer, we would work after dark with lights and fans. The same rack above when we started filling it. Different rack...