Yeah, It was a scary one! I'm glad Mike was there, there was sooooooo much dead limbs up top I wasn't taking a chance of taking that down alone. It fell/placed almost exactly where I wanted. I had a Black birch I didn't want to take down and I had to drop it between that and another sugar maple. I have two more that need to go and just as scary, and every bit as big if you remember. I'm not touching them alone, just to much risk involved.
Looking good, Dave. Glad you got your work done safely. Wise man not to topple those pines alone. Winter mentioned that your cell phone has poor reception. I hope you can address that. Just not safe without dependable reception. Too much risk for doing all that work without a way to get help should you need it. My summer is moving too fast. I will say I won't miss the humidity when it goes. Really bad this year. Get some rest and please say hello to Chrissy from Cindy and me. Larry
Phone cell signal is OK at Dave's new place. His carrier is challenged with doing data uploads there.
Sounds like you had some good competent assistance and everything well under control. The older Coleman generator is probably far better than the run of the mill stuff being sold today and the fact you were able to tweak it that way is great. Would be interested to see how the signal would show on a scope... Most of the new, non-inverter models would look more like an earthquake tremor than a smooth sine wave. Welcome back to "hell" or as I always put it, my condolences, you're back in New Jersey. At least it's one step closer to temporary than before you left. I'm guessing you're from the shore area?
As far as the Oscilloscope, That is a bit over my head but understand the concept. I have good friends with all kinds of "fun" tools and instruments at my disposal on most occasions being retired military. My dear friend who is the USCG base High voltage electrician has helped me with this. He's the brains on that end, I didn't have the meter for frequency, he had those goodies. I just knew what questions to ask running ships generators over the years and paralleling power on two sets at once. I got a "tad bit" of experience with that... And, yes at the shore! Exit 0 at the end of the GSPWY. "Hell" is down here... Squeeze 2 million people in a 7 mile radius for 5 months with every road one lane each way that was only meant for 40,000 on a good day!
8888 I couldn't do it. I am crazy enough just being isolated in the wood here. I can stand a few crowds where I am familiar. But in a crowd with many noisy strangers, I get very nervous and have to get out as fast as I can.
Both of you are people I am "PROUD and HONORED" to know personally! I wouldn't trade anything for the folks I've met here on this forum! I think I'll drink to that!
It looks like we have a new date hammered out for coming back up!!! We had to check with my Daughter to watch our Pups! Chris got the Ok from work! More to come tomorrow for the final time frame! Looks to be the 16th through 21st October. "Tentative" for now!
WeldrDave and all my friends in this thread. I don't know how I've kept missing this one but perhaps you'll have me joining in late anyway. Glad to see you are getting some work done towards the big move. October should be a great time to be there in the woods for sure! I'll also be in the woods, but after something else. Got this picture on trail cam only 30 yards from one of my main blinds!
I’d like to second the recommendation for Chappell. They have taken very good care of me. Pole saw, generator, snow blower, etc. didn’t like how they sharpened my chains as I think the automatic machine ground the teeth too fast likely overheating them and reducing strength/hardness. But that’s it. Good company.
Glad your here Dennis, don't know how you missed it though, "You slipping Buddy"... Open post since June.