Thats hysterical, you got a good LOL outta me on that one. I often wonder what Ms' buZZsaw would do if i filled the back of our Murano up with logs? She keeps it pretty tidy, although she is a smoke and there is ashes in it often. She uses it 75% of the time. My PU is for work so it gets dusty, dirty, sawdust and other crud. Plus im usually dirty when im in it from work. Great looking haul BTW. Most wood ive ever seen in a four door as well. Mustve turned some heads on the way home.
Hey mrfancyplants we haven't even talked about the particular species of your car hoard cargo! I think it's Sugar maple, but there is a chance its Norway Maple. All great wood and looks like its ready to burn this winter.
I have been kind of double posting this particular two tree maple score.. at first I thought it was all you can heat red maple And then I thought it was All you can heat - Silver Maple But then buZZsaw BRAD pointed out that he thought it was Norwegian. It would only be fitting if it turned out to be Sugar maple or even Japanese maple, but I don’t think Sugar grows this far South (just outside DC), and I’m positive it is not Japanese. You might find this interesting, That beautiful one is in Queenstown!, but yeah Sugar maple is one of the more rare varieties even here in Jersey. I'm sure buZZsaw BRAD is right and yes You're right, it's definitely not Japanese.
Yes I remember now, ...sorry I'm having a rough week haha. There was less bark clues this time, but I know you know your stuff.
...well i dont like to brag!. Actually ive learned a lot in the short five months ive been a FHC member. Met some GREAT folks along the way too!
I still hand split! Actually the only time that I have been near a hydraulic splitter was at the Backwoods Savage GTG. Where walt, TurboDiesel, jtstromsburg and myself gave Armbru84 s very nice splitter a serious work out! I like splitting by hand, there is just something primal about it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah, I like hand splitting too, but I will say that in my area where we have an abundance of hardwood variety, some types knock the pizz out of you with repeated swings. Another thing is as a car hoarder I get all kinds of cuts that aren't always select grain if you know what I mean so this can also take the steam out. Lastly I find my enthusiasm for hand splitting is seasonal. I love it in the cooler weather..early Spring, late Fall, and Winter, but in Summer I seem to need a motivational speaker. Sadly it's Summer that I have the most time I can devote to the wood pile. Anyway, had to drive about 40 minutes to babysit my Brother-in-Laws dog yesterday and so I thought I would take a drive around his area to see what I could find and low and behold not to far away some Ash! It was laying in a corner lot close to the road. Looks to have been down at least 2 years and rather dry the way I like it this time of year, but can you spot the crotch? Ugh!Still, this should all split rather nicely so no complaints.
You and me both. Great exercise! Every successful split is a "small victory"! Ive watched my landlords friend and another friend use a hydro and it just wouldnt cut it for me (no pun intended)
nice little score! I like when i "scout" for wood. Very rare that i do it as most roadkill scores i discover by accident. Cant always grab at the time but will go back ASAP. I've snoozed and losed! I couldnt agree more about seasonal splitting. Can you discard crotch at dump or do you have a dump? Ive encouraged mrfancyplants to do this.
Love splitting in winter! I want a nice stash of rounds, just for cold weather exercise. Even if I get a splitter. No wood just lying around up here, nice score!
You know buZZsaw BRAD I never thought of that, but I'm sure I could dump it no problem. Ill keep that in mind for future crotch problems (did I just say that?), but I usually split off what I can and if need be cut up what doesn't split into uglies. That said I could have left this crotch section where it was, but being Ash I took it because I don't think it will be too difficult to split. If it was cherry then It would still be lying there believe me.
Did a bit of yard work and other chores today, but that HEAT!!! Anyway, went back to the "Cherry Picking Grounds" today, not because cherry is my favorite wood, but because on a hot day I will be glad to take wood from a pile that is already bucked. Just too bad that many logs are 24 to 25 inches length and also some 24 to 3o inch diameter which is beyond the capabilities of my battery saws. Still plenty left to pilfer that I can cut cookies off. As a bonus the logs are also close to being dry so the split wood will finish seasoning nicely in time for this winter! Hey maybe Ill bring my 5 inch thick cookies to Chinatown to sell as cheap butcher blocks? They would be perfect for chopping off chicken heads or splitting up roast Peking Duck with a cleaver! I'm getting hungry haha! Actually besides using cut offs as grilling wood, sometimes I do use them after filleting fish for chopping up the carcasses I bury in my garden soil. They're great to use because you can really chop with force like a pro and don't have to worry about chipping up your beautiful kitchen butcher block. I try to live an organic lifestyle so nothing goes to waist at my house ...yet money still seems to fly out my pockets non the less . Here you can see I used wedges to test split a large round on site. I may do more of this here in the future since it didn't seem to raise any eyebrows. I added a few to my splitting assembly line haha! Others that were too long for my stove I placed in my bucking pile awaiting cookie extraction .
Nice work Urban Woods, but I think you could have fit a few more rounds in there I’m leaning towards splitting the longs in two and keeping a 12” stack separate, especially if they are consistently long. I like cherry.. great for grilling. Great work!