As IHP said above, an Outside Air's connected to your air inlet on the stove and uses outside instead of indoor air.....helps reduce drafts, and doesn't send already heated (and paid for) warm air out the exhaust.
Thank you for addressing that! I'm exhausted from bringing it up so often and then having to defend it. Just went through the this with my daughter's boyfriend. He looked into it and has assembled the material to put in his OAK.
BUT, heres the thing about the above link.......its for the Accentra Insert, and I was under the impression JG had a 52I, which is a totally different animal altogether! No more long tubes to clog, etc......I don't believe there are cleaning instructions online for it yet, other than the manual.........
LW it's so nice that you are here a trained and certified expert to help keep us on the right path . Thank you J girl I hope I didn't give you some bad advice
there's no bad advice, Will! Your post will help those tens of thousands of folks who actually do own a Accentra Insert......they stopped making these in 2013 though....I think July or so. Everyone after that date has a 52i, unless it came from "old" stock. I just mention it because the firebox, and therefore, cleaning, of the "new" 52i is quite different than the "old" Accentra Insert, but there are also similarities as well. I only hope JG does have the 52i and I didn't totally screw her up by mentioning the other insert! AS for "trained and certified EXPERT"....well, Im waiting for the other shoe to drop on THAT one!
No worries, I am still just vacumming the front , I was told by the installer that a more detaed cleaning won't be necessary until the end of the season.
I think you'll get a lot of arguments about that from the people on this site. I and most others clean our stoves to varying degrees weekly.
heck, Ill bite...... Just vacuuming the front out, and not removing the exchanger covers, etc, will result in you getting less and less heat from your unit as winter progresses. Now, us pellet guys love you to burn more pellets, but don't you really want to get the most bang for your buck with your stove and pellets? Most here do....... because I am a helpful guy, here is a link to your 52i Owners' Manual..... firstly, check out page 17, in the chart there, tells you that you want to clean your heat exchanger every ton OR monthly......not exactly end of season there....also, note, at the bottom of page 17, in BOLD type, then, look at where is says "Not properly cleaning your appliance on a regular basis will void your warranty".........I think what Harman ascertains as "regular" is the above rubric on page 17, not what the installer sez. Also, look on page 20, it shows you how to remove the exchanger covers and scrape the exchanger....... so, follow what the manual says, you should be fine! Good Luck!
FWIW JG I can feel a difference in the heat output of my stove toward the end of a week after cleaning my heat exchanger so I clean mine weekly. It only takes a few minutes.
yup, its pretty shocking what a difference a good cleaning makes.....yea, it takes some time, but well worth it! Couldn't have said it better myself, Sub!