My memory isnt what it used to be so if I already posted this overlook me like usual. 1 of these takes the square bevel file. The other can be made to work very easily too.
I have a Granberg G106b and I can get a double beveled file to go in it. I just can't get the right angles. I'm sure it could be modified. I also have an Oregon file jig and the file will fit in it but it is a sloppy fit.
The Grandberg 107 has a bushing. you can see it on the white towel in the second pic. It holds a normal chiset bit, and you spin it 360 degrees to get the angle you need. I tried a couple of the old oregons, stihl, and mac file holders and could psychically fit a chisel bit, but couldn't get the right angles. found this one at a local shop new in the box in his upstairs obsolete junk parts....
I can't find any G107's forsale anywhere online. What is different about the G107? Just the part where the file goes in? The only square filing guide I have seen that is currently sold is this one and it way over priced.
this is old skool, like 20 years at the minimum. I've had it for 7-8...They haven't made any in years... you have to be on the lookout...get in good with your local old dealers...
The master of machine work and ingenuity made this stihl one to do any angle you can ask from it. work or race.
look at the difference in width of the ripping chain on the left (carlton) and stihl rsc on the right ,if a guy was making one of them racing chains would the thinner chassis be a good thing ? These are sawmill chains is why the 10 degree top plate ,ground on the usg
Yes there is thinned race chain. I used to own some of them. You have to have the whole chain apart and have inside the cutters milled. Then put back together. IMO it still comes down to the filer of the chain. If you had 2 exact cutter chains the thinned one might be tenth or so faster per cut. But you have a lot of extra work in it or lot of extra cost. Which if the cutter is still filed crapper it will just be a thinned crapper.