That's odd. It sorta looks like a couple of species, then there's something that says no way it's that. What's the moisture content of it? And is it heavy? I'm leaning towards some sort of willow. I see willow leaves in the pile.
Confirmed willow from the leaves. Looks like a long seasoning window. But...I do have a set of privacy panels to do for the patio, and we had talked about doing wood stacks instead for a cool look. This could be the ticket, bc once I split and stack them they can sit for 3 years undisturbed!
Once it's dry it burns, but the reason I don't mess with willow, is due to the long time it takes to dry, and then you'll only get 14 mbtu a cord out of it. I can get the same BTU's out of poplar, basswood, or pine/ fir in that amount of time. I get more BTU's 17.9 mbtus out of box elder in 1 summer drying, and I can get box elder without even trying around here. That's why I didn't bother with willow. Honestly it's the only wood I won't cut unless it's fallen where it's in the way or an eyesore, and then I just haul it away and let it rot.
Makes sense. This job was a favor to a buddy, and it might work out well to have these splits sit long term, vs filling that space with better splits that I'll want to burn!
BTDT as well. It was a yard tree, and we did split it and it was used for outside fires. I don't make a habit of doing anything with willow though.