While a lot of us are happy to have 3 year dried oak, you have us beat by a lot. Overachiever! I think the oldest I’ve burned was 4 years dry. This year I’m burning 2 year old oak but it was dead and in the mid 20s M/C when cut.
IIRC 40 something… but I could be way wrong. I remember checking a fresh split years ago but don’t remember exactly
I emptied another rack today. I was moving wood to the house ahead a bit of snow coming tonight. 3 empties in close proximity. What's still being covered are sheets of RO bark and some lower quality wood. Destined for a campfire. Unless I've not tracked it correctly, I believe I have emptied 7 8ft racks this heating season So I started on the next rack of mostly red oak. I did find a couple pieces of black locust, that had become separated from the herd. I'm glad I found the 11/18 stack. I thought I might need to open up one of the newer stacks from 12/19. Not much onsite inventory. It's time to contact a tree service to drop some dead ash trees. The empty racks need to be refilled.
Not sure if empty racks are good or bad. I need maybe 6-7 to empty yet this month. Of the three Winter months, February is my slowest. Get them in their early while the ground is frozen. Less collateral damage. How much snow is forecast for you? An inch for us.
1-3 inches forecasted. 2 of the empties are between 2 trees. I'd like to not do that again. I'll reserve the tree racks for overflow.
we're well into cord 5 this year. One day I hope to be in a place where we burn 1-2 a year. then, 30 cord on hand will last a few minutes longer!! Mike I'm glad you have plenty on hand.
Hey hi!! Dont want to derail Mike's thread here... I moved out, but bar oil is apparently a blood-type. CSS is still an active sport here. And its so good to stay involved here. Yall are like a bunch of relatives I dont see often, but its always good to be with. Mike, have you used more than usual this year? I feel likenwe used a LOT more before the turn of the year than in the past. Best, Sca
Woof! Woof! You can tell it's dogwood by its bark!! With snow and ice arriving tonight and all day tomorrow, I wanted to identify which wood stack was going to be next after finishing off a half stack. Once identified, I cleared what snow and ice that was there. As I've been chewing up red oak from 2018-19, the bark just falls off on its own, or with a little urging. I couldn't bring myself to toss it all into the woods, so..... I consolidated the multiple bark piles that have accumulated this season. That's not all of it. When the time comes, that dry bark is going to make for a hot campfire! The bark also makes for easy morning kindling when reloading the stove.
Some of the maple I used recently for bundles had the bark coming off. Firepit going and it ended up in there while I was working.
I have a pile of black locust bark that has sat uncovered for 3 years. Will it be any good for campfires this summer? I just pulled a couple pieces out of the snow and it seems about the same as when it fell off the wood.