Hey all, Well it had to happen. The Auger motor on my Enviro M-55 Cast FS finally died last night. Knew it was gonna happen as its been getting louder each passing night. Kind of a warbling/spinny sound. After all the stress the poor thing went thru for months with the spoon jammed up it was no surprise. Girlfriend tried to freeze us out. LOL I already had a spare Avery-Gleason CW-50-2054 motor on hand that I bought for $100 on Amazon a few months ago. Unplugged the stove and the thermostat. Disconnected the Vent and OAK pipes. Spun the stove around 90 degrees. Pulled off the rear cover/screen. Disconnected the two auger motor power leads. Using a loose (Cheap) 10mm 6 point socket on a 6" extension I removed the coupler setscrew. Slid the motor down off the coupler. Vacuumed the inside of the stove (it was bad) The replacement motor came with Male and Female crimp couplers so I made a M-M jumper as the stove had F and F. Connected the wiring. Replaced the back cover. Spun the stove back around. Reconnected the pipes. Plugged it in and fired it up. Running almost silently again. Only sound is the pellets dropping. Scale of 1-10 it was a 3. Took about 1 hour. Oh yeah, I looked inside the old motor to see what failed. The final drive gear had sheared off the drive shaft. But the gears were worn too. So it wasn't long for the world. It was original OEM motor. It gave me 12 hard years. So no complaints. Thanks, ---Nailer---
Well done nailed_nailer! Make sure your hunny bunny keeps the silverware in the drawer or sink from here on out.
Thanks Guys, Other than spinning the stove around in place (Fricking thing is heavy, lol), it was an easy job. I looked on the web for how-to's and watched 1 video. In the video they removed the capacitor under the auger motor. On my stove there was plenty of room to pull the motor without removing the capacitor. FYI ---Nailer---