Can’t think of better time to hide in the garage to get this running than in middle of a heat wave. Ran, or wouldn’t run, last time I tried. 5+ years ago.
it is. Have any experience with this ? Has a Tecumseh branded carb but I’m thinking it’s something another line. Looking for a new kit and what might be an equivalent item
BR600 blower on my bench. Bad fuel line and what looks like a crank seal starting to go. Parts on order from my local dealer. Eight years old and never even looked at the spark plug. Going to give a special treat and install a new plug while I am at it and give it the recommended valve adjustment. After eight years I guess this might be considered routine maintenance.
A fair amount. I had an old Scotts mini tiller given to me with that same engine. Or one very similar anyway. It really lacked power so I ended up trimming the governor vain on mine and changing out a spring so it would rev higher. That worked well for a couple years till the trans stripped out. It then became my first oil test victim.
I started out this afternoon getting into an 031av that I've had laying around then i realized it had no spark and more than likely points issues. So i threw that back on the shelf for another day and started on a 365 special dad picked up at an auction for dirt cheap a while back. It had almost no compression so I went ahead pulled the jug. Ooof! Looks like a perfect candidate for a 372 top end .
I thought the 268 I picked up recently had an an air leak. Finally found the air leak after pressure testing the the saw, never looked at the carb until yesterday…
The carburetor is fretted on both sealing faces, it evidently was ran for quite a while loose. The strange part is the intake skirt is spotless, hard to believe not than many fines went through it, so it had to be a pretty minor leak.