10/73 Very strong south wind. Burning down the accumulation of coals from the last couple days with Pine and Basswood. Next blast of frigid air shows up Fri.
30F here, wind has died down. Feeling balmy outside. Might be ash cleaning day. I'll let both the stove and boiler burn down.
39 and nice outside. Getting ready to through a little red oak in the stove to take the chill off. Mike in Okla
Welcome to the forum! Just keep working on that woman and maybe she will change. You will save a few dollars too.
22 out this morning with no wind, feels like Florida this morning! Got my one coat unzipped and the payloader door open. Red oak in the OWB.
Yes, stepping outdoors it feels like spring this morning. I wish it would hang around a while. A long while.
At 40 below , without a facemask, or being ( in the ruff) = having your Arctic parka hood pulled up and over your head and the ruff out in front of your face 6 to 10" . So your lookin thru a tunnel. Your snot freezes in your nose so you have to breath thru your mouth. At 50 below it makes for kinda sharp standby little paine's in your tounge and teeth. And the inside of your lips ect. Some people don't have any problem gulping Lots of Cold air. Some people, it corks off pretty bad. Young people seem to do better with it than old people. Having sufficient amounts of D3 in your blood levels makes a HUGE difference. I didn't know anything about D3 when I was winter loggin in the Copper Basin and really had to watch out as I frosted my throat and the top of my lungs a few times .
I wish you the best, but if you get clobbered down there I want to see some snow covered woodpile pictures
I’ll have to work, but maybe there will still be snow and ice on the piles when/if I get back home. My wife is already thawing a Ham. Lol The grocery stores will get hammered for sure. Lots of panic wood buying happening too. I’m leaving work early tomorrow and Friday to get orders filled
No fire today 37 °F outside , stove door gasket was getting ragged and stove was getting hard to control time to replace . Door Gasket Needs Relacement
Still 35F here & quite warm feeling. Stove & boiler cleaned out & re filled with Maple & Ash, ready for the next cold snap.
76*out/70* inside... burning nothin'...in AZ for a few months. House in SD was showing anywhere from -11 to 23+ this week for outside temps...and inside started at 50* (right where thermostat was set)...to gradually going to 42* inside...uh oh! Had neighbor check, and that was correct temp inside the house...called furnace repair Monday .... cracked heat exchanger. Don't get it, it was installed brand new in the fall of 1993....only 28 yrs ago! Oh well, I hope the new one lasts as long
Heading to around 30* tonight, it was 50* today & supposed to be around that tomorrow. I believe I will load the stove with some Little Leaf Lindenwood tonight.
28 here which is pretty much bottomed out for the night. Low 40s during the day tomorrow. I haven’t added anything to the firebox since 5am and there’s just a few very faint coals left. I’ve been stirring things up every half hour or so but I’m letting it burn out completely when I go to bed. In the morning I’ll empty the fine ash and get a small fire going again. Really not bad for 15 hours later. Kind of in that in between stage. Too hot to empty into the ash bin, not hot enough to throw more wood on without having to add paper and kindling.
How do you like burning that little leaf linden JimBear? I see those all over the place around town as landscaping trees. Never had the chance to make firewood out of one. We don’t even have much Basswood out in the wild around here either.
Got up to 36 today and I’ve been feeding the stoves like it’s 9 75 degrees in the house. Big pile of cherry uglies.