I have 11 stacks 70' long and 4' high by 16" deep. There is just too much expense to top cover so I don't. I also have an old goat shed that I loaded 5 cord of 4 year seasoned ash in earlier this year. That's my only "top cover."
I think I would invite her in out of the cold. I am sure a glass of milk and some cookies would entice her.
The only problem with that product is that it is $193. If it was $20, I'd buy it. First snow of the year and this is what I see out of my living room window. The stack below is green wood. Anything split in the last 6 months or so is uncovered. I use HarborFreight tarps 9 x 11. I think I have some 8 x 11 too. The two IBC cages behind the lamppost are dry and ready to burn. I moved them from a stack about 40ft away to bring them closer to the house. I guess you could call it a staging area. From there I can just move splits into that garbage can with the wheels and then wheel it right into the house. The other garbage can that is in the bottom left corner of the pic is already filled with 12% MC spruce and ready to be wheeled in. I figured why not have one garbage can ready. The other one is missing the cover hence it is currently upside down. I've been burning all day from 8am to around midnight in an open fireplace. One rack (1/6 of a cord - 4' x 4' x 16") and a smaller 2' x 3' x 16" last me 2 days. It's 20 degrees outside, my house has no insulation in the walls, and it's 78 in here with just the fireplace. Burning red maple that according to my records was c/s/s in Mar-2020 was just at 20%. I was concerned as a few larger splits were sizzling....but those must have been anomolies because the rest of it is burning like crazy!!! Because I keep a little wood inside the heat from the fireplace dries it out a bit before it gets burned. Now THAT is a bed of embers. Holy cow it's piping hot.
Hey LordOfTheFlies ....nice pics....can you get us a couple better pics of your wind chime and post on secret Santa thread? I'm very interested to see how it was done! As well as others...thanks!
I looked into these before, very $$. Watched Wranglestar on YouTube once he had a dozen Holz Hauzens lined up with these on them had to well north of 1k just for covers...
Yeah, I like the idea/concept, but he is where I saw it too and couldn't believe the cost when I looked it up. For the kind of money he spent, you could build a decent shed that would last longer.
Those covers and bases are really nice but no way I would spend that much and he might not have either. He may have gotten a sweetheart deal or even free for youtube review.
Definitely, with as big as his channel has gotten, there is no way he is paying for everything. IIRC, the tractor he had was for review purposes. If you can work that out for yourself like he did, more power to you, but I don't know anyone that could set himself up like he has in such a way without either being rich or hooked up.
Never heard of a Holz Hauzen before I joined here and have never built one, but I’ve thought about finding an old satellite dish for a top cover if I did. Don’t see as many around as you used to but I think I could scrounge one up with a bit of searching
It's an Ecofan. It is an open fireplace. I mounted it on brackets that I screwed with zippies onto the fireplace frame that I also installed. Works amazing. A little expensive but worth it as it gently does move heat into the living space. Caframo I believe is the original manufacturer/designer of the ecofan. This is the exact one I bought. It was $79.99 when I got it Oct-30-2020. Not sure why it's so much more now. Here's my thread on the ecofan. Ecofan + Fireplace... WORKS! That probably wouldn't work too well. It would heavy to get up onto there and then when you started taking wood out of the pile the weight of the lid could collapse it and just make it difficult in general to access the wood. You should try making one. Takes up a lot less space than traditional stacks and also 1000x more stable and won't blow over in the wind if you pay attention to the angles of the splits (need to point down and towards the center of the stacks).
Sharing is caring! Bye their websites specifically stated it is NOT designed for an open fireplace. I'm going to have to send them a few videos and pictures. I can see how they don't recommend it though because it sticks out and it's a bit of a hazard to one's forehead if you're not paying attention. Also people may not have something easy to screw a bracket into like I do. That said I am tickled quite pink that it's working and working amazingly well.