I started on this Maple tonight, I ran the 310 with the 18 inch bar. I brought out 24 rounds with more still back in the woods. Pic 9036 is the tree before I started, 9037 is loading up some rounds, 9038 is a better view (for identification) of the round, 9039 is another Maple, Sugar I hope, 9040 is what's left, 9041 is the Cherry I'll be working on this weekend, you can't tell from the picture but there is another tree under it,9042 is loaded up ready to head home.
Just about one hours worth of work, by the end of this weekend I would like that Cherry cut into rounds, that will give us a nice start on the firewood gathering.
Nice looking maple. Not to big to handle and easy to split too. 24 rounds is a really good start. I like your new helper. Time for me to trade in Emma...
Nice work woody! Good amount of wood there. Hard to count all the rounds in the first couple pics, but theres definitely 2 in that last pic. You didn't leave those in the woods did you? Ok going to bed now before I get into trouble. Ill probably be dreaming of getting attacked by a hot cheetah while bucking some white oak........ nite
It's always nice to get out in the woods, we burned more good hardwood this past winter than usual so when we get some good stuff that mother nature knocks down we grab it. I have some Beech to get but the trail in getting to it is wet so I'll give it another week before I grab that.
You're correct, perfect size to handle, I'm hoping the one under the Cherry clump is another Sugar Maple.
Nightmare here with mud. Trails were 6" deep with water yesterday. This will be my third attempt for re-seeding my little yard, since 2 storms washed seed away. Some grass grew, but it looks pathetic. I have a dozen white oak rounds to split and bring out along with hard maple. Would like to get in before it gets to thick, but I'm unfortunately looking at another month.
I took the garden apart and will be using planters here and there this year. It was a raised bed, very good soil mixed with top soil. I graded everything, so the land is good. There was a lot of clay, which imo erodes quickly due to the amount of rocks everywhere. These heavy rains need to go somewhere and it was naturally graded down into the woods a bit. I'll keep at it. The cold nights the past few weeks hasn't helped either. Hoping to have growth before trees have the leaves full.