I'm using a different image hosting service than normal, so hopefully you see a tag from Tractor Supply above this. A tag with an important mistake on it. I saw the tag, thought that was a pretty good bulk price, and asked them to ring me out for the deal. Then the head scratching began. In the end, they realized the guy writing the sign had made a serious mistake but told me they were going to honor the price before I even said anything about it. After that, they decided they didn't want to split the pallet of 100 to give me 96 (like the tag said), so I walked out with 100 packages of ecobricks for $167.78 plus tax! Then the fun began as I only have a little Subaru station wagon and I had 2,100lbs of sawdust to take home. I went home and got the big trailer (which still has less than a 2,100lb limit) and had them drop the pallet onto the trailer with the forklift. We scooted it back and forth inches at a time until we got the balance right and the car and trailer each squatted the same amount. Then I drove home veeeeeery slowly. It did NOT want to stop! Of course, we were only 1,000lbs over the towing limit. When we got home, I thought the tractor would lift half a pallet at a time but it turned out it would only lift 1/3rd of a pallet to the height I needed to get it to lift it up and over the railing on the trailer, so unloading took a while. Right now, they're stacked in the shed blocking both doors. Tomorrow or the next day we're going to go out and restack them into a taller pile so they take up less space. I think the price was more than worth the trouble, don't you?
Normal price is 3.50*100-15=$335 Right now they're supposed to be 2.99*100-15=$284 So I got them for half of normal or almost $120 less than what the sale price was supposed to be.
Don't go loading your stove up with them blocks they burn hot , you might have a melt down . Start with 3 or 4 and work your way up. Some Info for ya https://hw.menardc.com/main/items/media/TENNE004/Prod_Tech_Spec/Standard_Ecobrick_Brochure.pdf https://hw.menardc.com/main/items/media/TENNE004/Install_Instruct/BK-ECOBrick-3.pdf
It probably doesn't matter much, but I don't think these are actual Eco Bricks. They're sold under TSC's store-brand name Redstone, but the bricks have ENVIR (or possibly ENVIRO if the recycle symbol is supposed to be an O) cast into them.
Good deal!! When we remodeled our house, I got a similar deal on an employee mistake at Home Depot when I bought insulation for our great room. They had the insulation marked wrong, AND had it in the wrong place at the store. I got around $1k worth of insulation for 300 bucks!! Man, was that store manager PIZZED OFF at the night shift stockperson!! They even looked at the security cameras (per my suggestion) so they could see I wasn't deliberately tapering with the price! HAHAHA..... But they honored it, and I made out like a bandit!!
That's a good story williaty and I have to say that it's not the first time that a Subaru has been strained beyond its intended limits but just happily kept right on truckin'.
Oh yeah, that's not even the farthest we've pushed that one. That's just the most we've pulled a distance in heavy traffic. Last fall, the towhship started a road widening program down the road from us and clear cut a BUNCH of woods. We went down every night with the trailer and the little tractor (John Deer 1023) and loaded up with wood. I drove the tractor and my wife drove the trailer behind that Subaru. There were several trips where we had at or a bit over 10,000lbs of logs on it. The difference was the trip was all dead flat or slightly downhill, it took her about 30-45 seconds to get the car up to 9mph in 1st gear only, and we never went faster than that (top speed for the tractor). She said starting that kind of load on an ultralight flywheel and a race clutch was pretty hairy. Of course, then there's this: IMG_1393.jpg by Ty Williams, on Flickr
Another "tip" although not related to wood. When you buy silicone at Home Depot, 50% of the time if you grab a box of tubes, they will scan the code for one tube. If you have a few other items so it doesn't stick out, 11 for the price of 1