Not to be argumentative, it looks a lot like ash but it may also be tulip polar. The bark and the wood of both trees looks very much the same at times. The bark looks more like ash, but the fine limbs do not. I can't get the picture to enlarge quite enough to tell. Plus it's alive - no large live ash trees here for several years, but there may be in your area. Of course, there's more than on etree in that pile, so the branches I'm seeing may not be from the large "firewood" tree. On the smaller limbs, if the side branches come out at random places, it's tulip poplar. If the side branches come out to the side opposite each othe in most places, sort of like a cross, it's ash. Maple, ash, dogwood, and buckeye/horse chestnut have the cross-shaped opposite branching. An easy way to remember that is "MAD-HORSE" (Maple Ash Dogwood Horse chestnut). That may seem silly to some but that's one of the things I remember my grandpa teaching me many, many years ago.
I agree. I see the possibility of Ash or TP. The fine limbs don't look like Ash. But the bark looks a bit more 'tracky' than our TP, so more like Ash. I'd say either way it's worth getting.
Now that I give it a second look it very well could be tulip poplar based on the end cuts. The barks can be very similar. I tried to zoom in on the limbs as I know ash very well but couldn't tell. Did you take any of the wood dougand3?
If you go back to get more wood and the top and branches are still there, if the small branches come out opposite each other, it is ash, if they alternate its probably poplar like others have said.
The color of the heartwood is a dead ringer for TP that was cut a couple weeks ago and started to turn brown.
I just saw fb ad last night - haven't been there. Msg to ad poster unanswered. Will go by if/when learn address. Thanks everybody for input!
Yup. I was mainly focused on the bark. I saw the insect damaged at the stump which is more common in ash than tulip IME. The dark knots were the clincher for me.
The other pic from fb ad. I'm guessing Southern Yellow Pine, which I like. It splits so easily w/ 15# maul.
No damage around SE Huntsville. Will drive Madison County tomorrow. Just a big stress event - 4 hours of TV weather guessers yelling "Get in yo safe space!" Go out on back deck & nothing there. We are a swamp after 3" rain.
Glad it was nothing there. We were near your hood last summer. Went to Orange Beach, drove from Marrietta GA by Huntsville to get to b Big Bob Gibsons in Decatur.
Ah, yes - Big Bob Gibson's - iconic place. From Marietta to HSV, you drove near Alabama's "ski resort" - Cloudmont in Mentone.
Definitely looks like tulip poplar to me. The ash I’ve cut is more white with smaller heartwood than that.