Not much of it. It's fairly heavy, and the growth rings are pretty big. The leaves on top seemed to come from it. Thanks!
Midwinter Split that wood and if it is red in the middle, it is box elder. Here is some I split a couple of years ago.
No red stuff inside, just some brown flecks. It split pretty easily, other than being green. No real stringiness hanging up the split.
Not all box elder has the red, its possible that's what it is. But that end grain......boy that just don't look like box elder.....
I don't think it is Box Elder looks a little like Basswood but those leaves aren't right. One thing is for sure it is firewood now.
Those aren't box elder leaves. Box elder is a maple, and as such, has opposite leaves. Your picture showes an alternating leaf pattern. Also, if it was box elder the rounds would show traces of red and a bunch of red in the center when split.
We don't have box elder in NH, anyway. On the range map I looked at, there's a little pocket in the far southwestern corner of the state, along the Connecticut River, but that's it.
Or the elusive Maple Walnut! The first time I heard that here, I thought it was hilarious, and I still do!