The city dump has been very busy lately with hardwood trees getting dropped off. I've been getting Siberian Elm but came across these rounds that look similar but the heartwood isn't as dark and the weight is less. Is this another type of Elm or something like basswood? Scored some nice Ash too! My 562XP has allowed me to bring home bigger logs that most can't cut. Thanks!
My app ID’s the bark as Osage but I’m certain that’s wrong. The wood itself is not yellow and it looks fairly fresh cut. Osage would be very heavy as well. I’m stumped.
Some of the bark says black locust but having cut so much of the stuff the wood grain says no. Got me stumped. Looking closer i say some sort of softwood, but just a guess. Nice that you are able to use the saw there and get bigger logs. Making a dump run tomorrow myself. Hopefully i can find something.
Did someone say cottonwood? At least here in WI, or at least the tree I’ve been burning since joining here, has much thicker bark. Though maybe it’s just a question of tree age and/or individual specimen.
Willow would be quite heavy, at least any Willow I've cut green has a lot of water weight . Sent from my SM-S536DL using Tapatalk
Compared to Cottonwood out here that I see, about 95% sure it isn't cottonwood. And it doesn't smell like crap! Our Cottonwood is thicker and the bark doesn't cross cross nearly as much, more straight lines. Reminds me of Poplar honestly and starting to think Black Willow might be correct.
It's heavy like Elm but not quite as heavy. Definitely feels more like a water weight than mass of the wood itself.
I will also mention, it is crazy to me how different bark looks based on where the tree was cut in the country. I think Wood ID in a way should have regional identification.
About 3 cords scavenged the last few weeks, Siberian Elm, Ash, Aspen, Cottonwood Another cord of lodgepole pine too to split
With the dump being right next to the post office, I find myself at the dump cutting wood quite often lol. Maybe more than I should.