Not firewood, but came upon this huge tree today while hiking the dogs in CT. This tree was big even for a tulip tree. It had characteristics of a “wolf tree” and the picture comes nowhere close to capturing the volume of this tree. It was clearly well over 120 feet. I wish I had my long tape measure with me. For comparison, i am 6’2 and 200 lbs. I went on the site that estimates the age of forest trees and although tulip is a fast grower, this tree was dated back to the 1860’s.
Wow! That’s a huge tree! Never heard of a wolf tree before. Had to look it up. I can think of a few examples I’ve seen of trees that might meet that definition. Nothing quite that tall though. Can you share the site that estimates tree age?
Yes,this tree is not a great example of a wolf tree, but most tulip tree is see just shoot straight up to the sky. This one branched outca fair amount. I just google “ estimating tree age” and several sites will pop up. I’m sure there’s a fairly big range in accuracy, but still fun anyway.
Holy cow, thats a big un! Very impressive. Always enjoyable to stop and admire a tree with that girth regardless of species. Thanks for sharing Steve! Good thing you didnt have your saw with you!