Our winter camping trip starts this coming Sunday 3/9, for four nights. Cabin reservations for back in February, were already made by a different group. Grr... Anyway.... loading of the van is underway. Most non-electronic or non-food, will be packed before Sunday morning.
Thanks! I'm about 4hrs south of the White Mtns, and 30 miles west of Boston. The ground is bare here. We're hearing that there's an icy/crusty snow pack in the mtns. Unsure of depth. Perhaps a local FHC'er will chime in.
Have a great time Mike. We had a ball at our cabin in the winter. Favorite season, by far. Deeper the snow, the better.
You should be getting here as the weather is warming a bit and the wind dying down. Yesterday the winds were crazy and trees took down power lines in a lot of places. Pics of my place Thursday, around 4:20 pm, are below. Yesterday was cold enough there wasn't really any melting. Snow is really crusted up, otherwise the wind from yesterday would have really helped drive the snow pack depth down. The pathways are finally clear of snow/ice and are getting slightly wider every day. I still have at least a foot here, in southern NH. I would expect the White Mountains to have more snow, and of course, colder temps. This is my area - I call it south-central but it is leaning towards the southwest portion of NH, which gets way more snow and cold days than the eastern portion. Concord, NH is to the right, at that junction of 89 and 93 I'll try to remember to get comparison pics today.
According to measurement yesterday, I still have 10-11" of snow. It is so packed from the sleet/freezing rain/rain/meltage, and then refreezing that I couldn't get my yardstick to even dent the snowpack. So, I leaned it against the cut edge of a path from the snowblower. I took pictures from the same angles as above, but nothing ha changed. Even the ice at the edges of the path to the compost bin haven't changed at all - LOL.
We spent the day at Cannon yesterday and the night at a friends in Woodsville. There is more snow at my house down south than here.