This big hackberry (around 30" if guess)lost a big limb during a recent storm. Haven't decided whether I'll get it now or wait until fall. It's already pushing 90 here. It's still gonna be hard for me to hold off
Pushing 90 already!!!!! I'd wait as I really do not like cutting in that temperature and especially where you are. No doubt the humidity is crazy.
I see a couple 70's next week. If that happens I may tackle it, if not its gonna be right where it is now come fall. If I really needed it id be on it but I don't. Set for 3 years or more
Rebelduckman, I had a hackberry split out similar to that. Think mine might have been bigger maybe 38inches at the base. I just want to tell you wow, lots of work. Heavy rounds full of water and hard to split(hand split). Think it is pretty good firewood though. Your tree is toast looks like, good luck with it.