I have to ask if I am ok since yesterday I went and cut off 3 Poplar trees which the wind pushed over and also 2 real bad leaning ones.I have plenty of wood but felt if I did not cut them off the root ball & haul home they would rot.I already have them cut to length and ready for the splitter.Does this make me a Hoarder or one who does not like things going to waste?
they wouldn't of rotted that quickly, but if they aren't on your property you may have lost out on them? even if they lay on the ground they don't rot out right away, takes a few years before they start turning to punk. hoarder
Put it this way. I'm 5 years ahead and I just came back from town. Big red oak down right up the road from the deluge we are receiving. I'll be there as soon as the monsoon stops to start cutting it up. Your normal and yes your a hoarder!
yea some guy just posted a bunch of pin oak and I'm debating about jumping on it. Only thing stopping me is over an inch of rain has saturated my yard and I don't want to rut it up to bad dropping the logs in the back. Don't really need it but it's free.
I agree and also cut it while able one never knows what next year will look like and the next one after that.
I would hope so but at the Moment I am looking at spending 2000.00 for a brand new 3pt hitch Buzz saw so I can cut slab wood faster
Don’t worry, there’s a group for these disorders. Oh wait, your here...... We like pics of buzzsaws too.
farmer rob don't listen to these enablers. Don't spend your hard earned money on a new 3 pt buzz saw.. You could likely find a very decent used one for less money.
farmer rob in this group we have a tendency to not pay much attention to the days lecturer. Always the same 12 steps blah blah blah so on and so forth. Besides, think how sharp and shiny that new blade would be straight from the loving factory that created it with care!! And just like the wallet of old and Facebook of today we need PICS!!!