In the what's your least favorite wood thread I got thinking " what's the wood you like that most people don't" For me it's silver maple, splits like a cuss in my AO but it's a great wood to mix with super gooder stuff. Silver maple sits on the curb for weeks in my AO. What's yours?
People dump dead, dry elm, dry pine, splitter trash, yew and arborvitae, and small diameter limbs and branches of many hardwood species. I will take any of the above, depending on my mood and schedule.
I guess I have evolved into a wood snob. In past years, any wood that was easy pickings ended up in the stacks mainly due to the use of an OWB. In recent years, I have become more "selective" while out scrounging for firewood. If it's hardwood, the truck stops and I get tot work. Last summer/fall i passed on a buttload of basswood that was already bucked up. All I would have had to do was struggle carrying it out of the woods. Nope, its till there. But....I have been thinking about getting a few round for woodworking though.
Oh, and oak that's punky on the outside, poplar occasionally, and dirty, wet discarded wood pile splits that are still sound.
Eastern White Pine. I have mainly Red Oak in my woods along with lots of pine. Love the pine for kindling, shoulder season, fire pit, and to offer to anyone asking for free wood(they usually say no thanks).
I never messed with much pine, didn’t like sap on the gear, and creosote in furnace. But I have made some Swedish torches out of standing dead, really dry pine and they do great. I sold 11 for 10 buck a piece in November, which helped pay for repairs on the saw I ran over
Spruce. It smells pleasant, and warms you quickly. Plus I like the way it talks, and pops when good and dry
Same here. I have access to so much primo stuff (some of which I get paid to haul away) that I pass on junk. The only junk I'll take is already bucked to length delivered free for the old mans OWB,, and we do get a lot. Actually the other day the old man asked if he could sell a triaxle load of spruce logs that had been sitting for a couple years just to make room and a few $$$$.
me I like popple, its less messy than pines here.. splits easy dries fast .. great shoulder season wood. you know when it' 40 rainy and wet out.. want some heat but not too much
Kinda a hard question to answer. Maybe I don’t really have wood people would pass up on. Maybe if it’s wood that had been sitting for quite some time, slightly overdue for burning? I picked through a really mixed pile that came up with some kind of fruit wood and some cedar/ Alaskan cypress. Just sort of half wet half dry from being covered by tarp that leaked. This spring and summer it was perfectly exposed and now fit to burn. I don’t mind picking up what looks to be a junk pile of wood but in reality it was a gem. Just kinda wet but easily fixed.
Thanks for reminding me about these. I have been wanting to make a few as gifts for friends that like pit fires.
I've probably gotten more of my heating done with pine than anything else. It works fine for me and plenty of it here. I like burning sweet gum and elm treats me right as well. Splitting the elm and sweet gum by hand is kind of hard, but my wood storage area is nearly full and I've got no problem keeping up and even getting ahead even with the sweet gum and elm so no problems.
For me it's Ponderosa Pine. It's everywhere grows huge and for some reason people run from it like the plague(creosotephobia I rekon). I used to spend hours and hours (and tons of gas) snobbing for Cedar but I don't anymore. Of course if Cedar or Fir is available I'm on it but I've come to like Pondo because of its availability.
Linden (basswood). Not suitable for main burns, but good filler/mixer and kindling. Plus, it’s growing on our place EVERYWHERE.
Tulip Poplar... Splits easy, dries super quick.. And my cat stove burns it great! I dont expect 12hrs from it, but a chilly October night its great.
Pine for me. It's great in the OWB, leaves barely any ash and really helps burn up leftover coal from the oak. Plus it's typically very easy to find for free.