We are on the edge of the drop as I type this. It has been 40° (f) all night. About an hour ago the winds kicked up and the temp is dropping...fast. I can't believe Columbus is in the below zero range while we are still mid 30s, but I guess multiple stations are probably a good sample. Burrrr....
I believe you're further nort than I. Been up since 4 and it's dropping pretty fast. How much snow are you getting?
Light flurries at the moment. It rained pretty hard around 4 so I'm going to drive my wife into work. I haven't seen the salt truck go by yet so I imagine the road is going to be slick.
Actually pretty warm here as of now , they say it is going to be dropping this afternoon. Have to wait and see. Wind and rain are the current issue here. See what things look like when the sun comes up.
Still in the mid 50s here. Heavy rains when I got up at 4:30, and even heavier winds. On the highway, multiple cars had been blown off the road and crumpled up. Several dead oaks down across the road as well. I have my saw in the truck just in case the opportunity to scrounge comes up later
11:00 last night it was 33 with wind at 13mph. 6:00 it was 11 with wind 23 gusting to 29. I can tell the gusts are getting stronger because of the howling through the trees.
I would think that as long as you're getting wind from the Atlantic, you'd be OK. This was probably one of the most abrupt winter weather changes I've seen here. Temp drops in the summer with a thunderstorm is pretty frequent. Temps holding so steady in the 40s to having the rug pulled out from under them in the winter, is kind of neat to experience.
I moved the tractor out this morning for a "pressure washing" after last weeks snow. Gotta get the salt off. Lower 40's but blowing rain from the east-hard! Supposed to be around 14* overnight.
56 here, 27 by 19:00. pretty radical. also hoping for a few trees to collect . . . . . I have never seem the weather service forecast a black cloud like that. Will keep yall in prayer.
Same here in S.Jersey, but not terrible just yet. Still mild at about 45 degree's but dropping down to 9 tonight.......
It was 41 when I got up at 6 this morning. It's now 34. Going down to 12 this afternoon, allegedly. We're going to get a "flash freeze" and 6-10" of snow with up to 60 mph winds. It's getting a lot of press and buzz. I will have a fire going and have nowhere to go. It's winter in WNY, but from the talk you'd think folks had never seen this before.
Posted this elsewhere, but 'tis relevant so... When I got up from my recliner nap to go to bed at 1am it was still 40 and raining...it's zero and white out now... can't tell if it's still snowing or not, everything is blowing sideways. Looked at the weather app at 1, it showed on the minute by minute forecast temp dropping 18 degrees in 1 minute at about 2:03... I was thinking about staying up to see/feel that...sleep won out. I suspect that it did not actually drop that fast then, but that'd be something to experience!
Yesterday at sunset it was 59 degrees, this morning it is 16 degrees. Last night we experienced high winds but no rain or snow. The local weather channels predict a high of 31 today with a low of 18 tonight. So far....so good! 2-year-old Red Oak and constantly feeding the stove maintains the inside temperature between 70 - 75 degrees