From the top picture I'd say cottonwood. I've never cut it but there is some on my property by the creek.
No there ain’t no leave power line crew came buy and cut it down. I know some of the tree was hollow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Looks like the persimmon we have around here. The center looks like it's trying to produce the ebony heartwood that comes as the tree ages quite a bit. You guys can have your oak and maple all you want... persimmon blows them away. Very close to osage orange in btu output. Great score!
Thanks for the all the replies. Going to split it this week coming up after drill. I got to get mommas wood supply built up before next year Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You're going to want to let that one season for 2 years. You're in TN also, so if you want something in the same heat range that grows around us that you can cut now and have similar, a bit lower, heating properties, get some black locust or standing dead honey locust and enjoy.
I don't see much of it these days. I remember having 6 or 7 persimmon trees on our place when I was a kid in the late 50's and early 60's. What I remember was eating the fruit, yum! You had to watch though because if you bit into one that wasn't ripe ot was like having a mouthfull of alum. A real nasty experience.