I normally just let it dry and burn it anyway, but this stuff is for sale and I feel like it's taking way to much time to split it out. What's your approach on it?
If I think it'll just smolder and not burn, it gets tossed into the woods. Otherwise, it's stacked for the wood stick or campfire.
I’d leave it on. For all the extra gas you’ll burn up in your splitter trying to shave it off, plus your time, only to end up with really thin splits, it’s not worth the extra effort.
Are you selling it? Don't understand your "this stuff is so for sale". Red maple? I don't remember the last time one I cut had a good middle.
I sell some wood, and this is all wood I bought log length specifically to resell. I may just throw it all into the home pile and not waste the time.
little trick I learned just today. The square top edge on my dump trailer is nice for shaving off punk. Won’t win any land speed records but for the occasional (not good enough for resale) punky split it works like a charm.
A lot of folks don't have the "expertise" of our FHC membership. maybe a slightly better price and just get rid of it.
My buddies yard is filled with rotting red oak…its a little further along in the drying process i think be good to burn next year..this wood is more rott on outer layer..center is still good..anywayi dont think its a waste of time because it drys and is ready to burn in half the time..i guess its a toss up
It is a PITA to split it out and takes too long IME. If its minimal either in the heartwood or sapwood ring (usually in oak) ill go through the trouble. Ive done it with an ax but never on the hydro. I agree with fuelrod and mix it in, tell the prospective buyer and discount the price or mix a little in here and there.
I woodn’t sell it like that, but for myself, what you have wood just stay attached to the split and get stacked and burned as normal. If it was only for sale wood, maybe split around the edges and let the heart wood for the fire pit.
Based off your video, I'd split it and forget it. Wouldn't even bother trying to get that off. Don't think most customers would worry about it.
I didnt watch the video when i first responded. With rot that minimal i would just include those with "normal" splits. "Pizza slice" split them so minimal rot on each split. Ive had red maple where the round is hollow or extremely punky in the middle. Any bug damage gets tossed and/or ill split that out. One other thought if youre selling is a cull cord? Uglies, gnarlies, shorties, partly rotted wood mixed and sold at a discount. Just food for thought.
I like these ideas. I split today and didn't get as fussy. The real bad stuff I'll burn at home I think
Unless there's an awful lot of it, I'd just mix it in. Unless this is premium wood being sold at a premium price, then just pawn off the soft heartwood splits on someone who makes vertical video. The only time I've split or scraped rotten heartwood off is when it was full of carpenter ants. No one wants that in their stacks.
I don’t sell stuff like that. I either burn it in my fireplace or wood boiler. Gotta keep the quality up when selling