Chainsaw customer of mine calls the other night saying there's some free wood close by and its shagbark hickory. "i'll split it with you"! I drove by the next wasn't shag, but huge tree service random length silver maple. I asked the homeowner and wood was spoken for, guy coming the next day. Left my number just in case. She texted late Thursday and wood was ours. We had at it yesterday afternoon. He has had some health issues and I honestly didn't want any so it all went to him. Lots of noodling. He did some sledge and wedge and didn't fare well. I should be able to grab the rest today.
Good on you Brad for helping out a neighbor. Besides being a nice guy why didn’t you want some? Good enough for bundles no?
Huge is an understatement I’m kind of surprised that the center is so solid too. Nice grab and that you helped out a customer in need.
Most were the wrong length. Looked like the grain had twist too. Besides, I'm SUPER picky for bundle wood.
Couple with minor punk in the center. When the lady told me it was spoken for I was relieved. I didn't feel like working it in the sun, but that changed of course. He had messed up his hip a long time ago and walks awkwardly. Recovering from a brain tumor too. Lives right down the street from me.
Ive done chain saw work for him twice. Here's the threads Worked my Ash Off Today! The Buck $tops Here!
Definitely not your usual perfect length firewood but great firewood none the less. Good for you helping your neighbor! You know, him helping you split it gives him buy in and it doesn't feel like a handout. That is no small point.
Kudos Brad for helping out. I’d pass on that species too unless I had plenty of space to house it, which I do not. I have one about that size in my back yard. I’m very close to renting a boom lift to shorten it.
A guy had an ad for firewood logs on FB. I spoke to him and he said he had a bunch of shagbark. I said okay and drove about a half an hour to find out the "shagbark" was really white oak. I can see how someone could confuse the two, especially white oak higher up the trunk.
Lol...Of course I took the white oak . Although honestly it's not my favorite because of how stringy it is to split.
Nice of you to knock the stump down a bit lower for the homeowner, always best practice to leave things better than you find em. Looks like some 500i size work to me though.