Thia has been a frequently discussed topic, so please bear with me. 3-year-old cat that had been sprayed with the vinegar 50/50 solution a couple times, but just did not perform as well as it should. So, I took it to the next level before retiring it and buying a new one. This time, I made up the same solution, but instead of a spray and rinse, I made up enough 50/50 to cover the entire thing and submerged it in a old pan. I also heated up the solution to very warm {not boiling}. I left it alone for 3 hours, and then did the rinse routine. The water in the pan was brown in color with a lot of fine sediment I might add. Followed this with a trip to the oven at 200 degrees for another hour. Holy cow! What a difference. CAT lights off just fine now. A couple things I would like to add. 1. Did not use distilled water. 2. Did not try to scrub or use anything to clean out then CAT. 3. Water vinegar mix temperature was around 110 degrees. You might not agree with this process, but it sure worked for me. I welcome your comments and your methods for doing this.
Strange you did not use distilled water. I don't recall right now why but remember it is something that can harm the metals in the cells by using tap water. To be safe I've always used distilled.
I have not washed a cat in years. I did once, partially submerging it in water. Let me tell you that critter was NOT HAPPY. Vinegar would have helped with the odor, but running that through, that would have been a disaster. Sca
Depending on if you have city, or well water, and where you live, the list of things in drinking water that could harm a cat is long...
I wash my Dog with White Vinegar every time she gets sprayed! She just can't stay away from them DAM skunks! ... It works well also!
I thought initially it was a 3 year old cat that was spayed with vinegar, and it went downhill from there. Sorry, for the thread derail. Sca
I would think that distilled water would be preferred. Not using distilled, one is gambling with the outcome depending on the quality and content of the local water source. Of course I know nothing about cat stoves. Glad it worked out for you timusp40
I agree, a "spray" bath doesn't seem as affective as soaking/immersion/boiling. I think you'll find when you're wood is 3 years seasoned, vinegar is seldom needed as the cat doesn't seem to get the deposits
I did a real vinegar boil once and it worked to get me a few months more life. Not worth the effort. Cats are cheap IF you can find a new one. Just a warning that vinegar does not get you a new cat.
Hey I confirm what timusp40 did rejuvinates the combustor to almost like new. I used half-water-half-vinegar solution and brought it to a boil. took that off the stove and dunked the cat in for 20 minutes, swishing it up/down every few minutes. Then a rinse (but I used distilled water). No other cleaning procedure brought the life back to the cat like this did. EDIT to add: mine is the stainless cat in Ideal Steel
I soaked mine in 1/2 distilled water and vinegar for over a week at the start of this season. I took new cat out and put in old one. I’ve used it this entire season. It wasn’t like new but it worked. The water was nasty brown. I will do it again for sure.
Yes, I soaked it well over a week. I thought the cat was done so I didn’t figure I had anything to loose.