entrance to my lane. how do yah like that? they want to take down ~12 leaners off my property that could potentially be service interruptors for everybody else down the road. probably going to let them as they are trees that i cannot touch on my own. i didnt give in too easy though and the foreman is going to ask his supervisor if they can buck the trees and move them into my driveway. we shall see.
Power Co. did some power line (my property) clearing a few years ago. I told the foreman to leave the logs for me. Had a guy come over and we used his Woodmizer on 'em. I still have about 7-900 bd. ft. of it. I was happy to let them do it w/o an argument, as we can have a power outage seemingly w/o any reason. (I know there always is) Some of that wood is trim in the house, and quite a bit is siding on the woodshed.
Great coal reaper. But if they won't buck it, that should be okay with you because you will still get the logs. That is, if they don't chip it all. One always needs to ask about the chipping else he may lose some good wood to the iron teeth.
oh they have no problem leaving the logs, right where the tree falls. its really steep there, you can kinda tell in the picture. they want to pull most of the trees up the hill and buck them on the lane. i wouldnt mind cutting logs, but if they are dragging the logs through mud i would rather then that they use thier equipment for cutting. i also dont wanna mess around on the hill and chance rounds rolling down into the street.
i was going to share some screenshots from googlemaps street view, but it doews no justice with all the leaves and brush. this photo is a couple weeks old but the trees in question are down the hill to the left. you can see a bit of the road also. from where the camera is it is probably 100' higher elevation than the nearest edge of the road to the left off screen. so yeah it would be great if they could pull the logs up and buck them there where i can split right where they stack the rounds. that would get them a case of beer for sure. edit: and my pic doesnt show. standby. edit: edit: there it is.
That would be great if they bring them up and buck them for you! I would have done the same thing, and tried my best to negotiate with them. They are your trees so you should have a little say in the matter. Good luck and let us know how it turns out. How much wood are you thinking?
My father is a forester for a upstate NY power company. You would be amazed how many law suits they get by cutting down trees to clear wires. It is less costly legally to trim a tree and leaving it looking ridiculous than cutting down the tree completely.
Here is too many pics. I thought they would want to take more. I wont get more than two cords out of it all. The tree above each of the ribbons is what they want gone. Birch, oak, ash. See my hill now?
This is the biggest, 24" about. Although im not 100% sure on the ID. Looks like some kind of oak i think. I kno its not a good pic but any other ideas? I will find out pretty quick once its cut. Might be ash or tulip poplar but idk.