Came home to my 7 year old Toshiba flat screen TV twice as bright as normal and also has random horizontal ghost (see thru) lines depending on what's on the screen at the moment. It was perfect this am. Anyone know how to diagnose these symptoms? Lcd or led (can't remember)
Start by unplugging it. Then hold down the power button for 20 secons and then plug it back in, see if that takes care of it.
Don't tempt me ericvw. 2 other ppl said capacitors on a different forum. Just gathering opinions so far. Off to unplug it again. Didn't work the first time but I also didn't hold power button like griz suggested. Brb.
Grizzly Adam that did not work. Thoughts on capacitors being blown? I gotta git this fixed! My smoking hot weather lady on the news looks all pasty white
Hope you find some resolve, Bo. But at 7 YO and considering how cheaply things are made these days, I'd say your weather lady will look less pasty-white with a new FS. Let's YouTube this thing and see what happens....
Hey bocefus78, have you located the Model # yet? Found this, but from what I've dug up, I detect a sense of foreboding.
The only fix I know for today's TVs is a trip to Best Buy etc. I don't think there is much that is repairable or worth the cost of the repair.
Model # in pic. I'm googling problems but not sure what to search for or how to describe problem. The tv works and to an untrained eye, looks fine with some settings adjustment but it's nowhere as good as it was Parts appear cheap as hell on amazon, the main board (most expensive) is only $60 so I just need a diagnosis somehow.
Well, it can't be the main board since I have video and audio. T con board is a possibility but I read horizontal lines almost always indicate it's the screen itself. Guess I'll take it apart at look at the capacitors and see if they are bulged this weekend.
New symptom. I paused the tv while watching a YouTube video on my phone for 5 minutes and noticed the image is burned into the screen after 5 minutes! This pic should be a black screen, with the no video bar being much brighter blue. It is on an input with nothing plugged into it. Notice the horizontal lines and the ghost image from where I paused? Whiskey tango foxtrot?
Not sounding good. It's not like the old days to where you could pull the tubes out and take them down to the tester at the hardware store.
I'm not gonna pay for a repair. This is the diy room, right? I'd like a new tv, but that means new stand also. The plow truck cost me $4k this year, and didn't even come close to breaking even...let alone profit. Wallet is thin until the grass starts growing
I would open it up and look for any smoked components. We did that with ours, found a smoke resistor on the main power board. I could have changed out the part but I suspected something else blew it-- $45 and a trip to ebay got me a new board and I had my TV up and running again. That was three years ago.
Have you got that thing taken apart yet bocefus78? If it were to boil down to replacing the screen? Hope you can DIY BoBo!
I once had a smoked capacitor in my Polk subwoofer. After I searched on the net, I found out that Polk skimped on the capacitor and went one size too small. The part was under $5 on digikey. I fixed it at work for free. That was over 5 years ago. Hopefully it's something as easy as that.
Too bad you are not closer, I have a 48 in projection tv that is in perfect condition that my daughter is giving away. We bought it and then found it to take up too much space. then the new tv's came out that are as thin as a book and can be mounted on the wall. So out it went. Daughter got it, now selling her house and wanted to know what I wanted to do with the tv. I told her to give it to anyone who would take it. It is a Panasonic. Cost me $1700 new.