I've had to turn down several loads and a large clean out job in the last few weeks due to no more room to store and frankly mixed wood sales has been next to nill. I know heresy, city on my case at home so can't put any more there either. Too bad, still got better than 1/4 acre with nothing on it there.
Remember when they ran out of room in New York city? They built higher! Gotta get some scaffolding on skis (or outdoor wheels if you have no snow) and have at her!!! Hurts to turn down the good stuff, no?
Chris, maybe it is time to build a wood shed? To me that really sucks that you can't store wood on your own property. One perhaps should have to keep it neat but to say you can't store up for your own heating needs is totally wrong. Government overstepping their limits again.
Problem with city caused by some dirt bag going around and calling city on anyone's wood pile. Calling them a fire hazard in my vicinity of the city, according to the city employee I talked to. Second part is their rules 20ft off property line, can't be a fence or screen can't be on drive , has to be behind house. My home is tucked pretty tight into one corner of the 3/4 acre lot- idea at the time was to split the lot which was possible. Then the city came through and took a 20 ft wide easement for a drain line- can't split lot anymore. Behind the house, less their offset and a 15ft high ridge, is less than 800 sq ft. Hard pressed to put 35 cord in that area. What is sad about this is there is no one behind me as it is a city owned conservancy ( big ravine that drops 40+ feet) ( talk about a fire hazard). It is also in excess of 200 ft to any neighbor's home proper in the other 3 directions. Vertically would be at least twice the height of the house. Which of course leads to other problems of what is allowed to be built in the way of shed basically 8x10. This is the first time there ever has been a squawk about the firewood in some 50 years. Me and the city will never see eye to eye again- already cost me ten grand just to appease the new lateral rules ( can't have ground water entering the sewer system- course that is they way laterals were built back in the day). The company doing that work screwed up big time as well ( city hired) So here I sit with a big hole in the front yard and no idea when they are going to finish the job. Which completely screwed up getting the place on the market. Yep, tired of the farm animal droppings being spewed by the almighty city powers. sorry for the rant.
What a coincidence, a dirt bag that close to a 40+ foot ravine...........hmmmm Good luck with your situation
Don't ya just hate the people that do this kinda thing?? They just need to mind their own business. There seems to be one in every community that thinks he knows better than you what to do with your own property. They should all be put on a leaky boat to China.
I hate to bring it up again, but maybe what you need is that artisanal firewood! That would probably make 'em happy!
Yep, we have one of those here too. My next door neighbor has little nice to say about her either. She is the one that calls in to the village whenever she doesn't like anything at all on your property and we have just enough local ordinances that they can usually find one to cite. I love the one that says anything over 6 inches tall is a noxious weed. I have "surprise lillies" planted in a part of my lawn and have been called on them under that ordinance. I also have a pear tree in front of my back yard fence that produces fruit, so of course she finds fault with that too. 2 others of my neighbors come over and help themselves to tree ripened fruit with my blessing so I know it is not them complaining.