I've got a True Temper Kelly Works axe here. Was wondering if anyone was familiar with them? Is this particular one possibly worth anything? Thanks for any info! Justin Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I think I also have a newer double bit that just has True Temper on it. Needs to be re- hafted though. Will post up some pics of it when I find it. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I've seen these before and I think the flares on that head are really cool. Are you looking to sell it? I'd be interested if so.
True Temper bought Kelly in 49 or 50 , price is based on condition. Light rust pitting hurts value some , what makes this axe valuable is that it has'nt been sharpened much and the bits still have nice profile
The flares are cool. It used to belong to an old family friend, so it has sentimental value. Definitely not going to sell it. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
The other one I seem to remember having is in much better shape, but newer. Still looking for it. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Thanks for the info! I remember reading that. What's the best way to clean it up? I've made electrolysis baths before, but not sure if that is the best way. Would it be ok to re-haft it? What would be the best place to by a quality handle? Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I wish you lived closer you could just bring that axe over and we would go to the shop and fix it. First off I think that is the original haft ,if it is straight and the grain orientation is right I would keep it. Start by taking a wire wheel to the head if there is any sharp edges or nicks on the top or bottom of the head file them , don't worry about the bits at this point. After the wire wheel hand sand or use random orbit sander on the head. I cold blue the head at this point. Now for the haft , hand sand with 120 paper till you get all the gray off. Apply boiled linseed oil,make sure to get as much as you can on the end grain that comes thru the eye. One coat of oil per day for a week. File a nice edge on the bits,start with a basturd and end with a fine mill and a Lansky puck , strope with polishing compound on leather. As for new hafts you can not buy a good one in a hardware store or big box store. A good axe like yours I would make a new haft or order from Beaver Tooth Handle Co. Good luck
Enjoy it, it is quite nice. Walt has the value spot on. One will turn up around here at an antique shop or market. Many of my hatchets are wall hangers from family members and I just did a light sanding to the handle and light wire brush or fine steel wool to remove the rust. Some oil on a rag buffed on the steel is good enough for me. I like the patina. If you restore it, feel free to add it to the edge tool restoration thread.
Thanks for the awesome info! I really appreciate it. Will definitely take plenty of pictures of the process. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Thanks for the advice. I can't wait to start working on it. Will definitely post a picture of it in that thread when it's done. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Here are some others that I have. Don't think any of these are worth anything except maybe this hatchet. Still looking for the othet double bit True Temper. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Here is a True Temper Black Prince made by Welland Vale of Canada. Maybe produced in the early 1950's but not 100% sure. I got this at a yard sale a couple years ago. The double bit has had a real bad life but kinda looks like the one you have but has no makers stamp.