Another day in my mobile office(pickup truck). One of many warehouse sites in Savannah under construction to support the ever growing port industry. This site will have 7 warehouses ranging from 600k sq ft to 1 million sq ft. Commercial growth is crazy here due to the ports and Hyundai coming and I can’t say I’m happy about it. Seriously considering somewheres else for retirement in a few years. Just damm…..
Good for the local economy, but then the flip side of that is the gentrification factor. Having lived on the gulf coast of Florida, I can understand your concern about it getting too built up. I've been thinking for years that the whole southeast coast from northern FL to southern VA will eventually get built up like crazy, in the same way the California coast is.
That's for the bunker being built below ground. The warehouse at ground level is just a front Where I work they have underground storage like that, with access elevators.