Hard to tell can any one identify any of these trees I'm having hard time with no bark pics not the greatest. Sent from my Coolpad 3310A using Tapatalk
What ^^^ said, but I'm not sure on the Mulberry. My other guess is.........who the heck cares? That stuff almost looks ready to burn. Get as much as you can.
Like M2theB said, drift wood? It looks like it is the wood they clean out from hydro electric reservoirs and stack on dry ground so it isn’t a hazard with how sun and water bleached it is. Definitely a Great score. I saw where someone said elm on your other post with the same pictures. Looks like it from some of the end cuts but all but impossible to say for sure. Splitting it is probably going to be your best clue to figuring out what you have unless you noticed give away odors when you were cutting it.
yes!!!! this ^^^^^^^ with one possible exception. its possible the 3rd from the left in the second picture could be hackberry. hard to say for sure though. . . the top pic, the log at the bottom of the pick is the mulberry, definitely get that one. it burns hotter than oak. sparks like a machine gun when you open the stove door.
Iy does look like driftwood as stated by M2theB. The smoothest ones remind me of barkless standing dead elm...nice and dense but a b#&%h to split by hand. Looks like it could be burned right away!
As long as it's from fresh water. Drift wood is any wood that has been in the water. Yeah there does seem to be a mix of wood in that pile. I just thought of em when all the barkless logs were in the picture.