EDIT: It’s actually a 22 ton splitter. See how new I am at this? Background: I’ve never owned a splitter, and I only go through 2-3 cords a year. In the PNW I don’t get much of the toughest wood to split (oak? elm?), and I’m mostly splitting rounds 18” and shorter. Based on the pics and a bit of online research, this one seemed like a good deal. I’d appreciate your thoughts on: Should I go see it? When evaluating a used splitter, what should I look out for? Asking $600 Thank you!
Seems like a decent price. If the engine is good and there are no hydraulic leaks I think you'd be pleased.
Seems to be a clean unit. Ask to try it out. If it cold starts quickly, performs well and has no leaks or worn hoses then offer $500 and dicker from there. Tell the owner that you need the $100 difference to install a log table. You will definitely want a log table!
Asking $600....My old man taught me to live by this in business: "Never be afraid to ask too much or offer too little." Offer $450 to get the show started and see what the second act brings. If you wind up getting it for $600 you weren't hurt, if you get it for less bask in the glow of knowing 'youz be one shrewd dude!'
Almost looks new. Take a few pieces of wood, make sure it starts and split. There are a ton of users here who will have nothing but good to say about it.
Thank you for the advice, everyone. Since Fisher Price doesn’t offer a yellow plastic splitter, this seems like a good first choice. Haha such good advice, I wish I saw this four hours ago as I’m negotiating pay for a new job. I should’ve pushed for more
I've got a 22 ton speeco and its split some very big oak, one guy who split the big oak was really impressed by how well it worked. I have no complaints about mine. Look it over good, see if there are any rusty welds on it, or any cracks, anyplace at all on it. The only problem i've had to date is the engine cover is starting to fall apart, cracking its from vibration. Has it been repainted at any time? That could cover up broken welds. Not saying the seller is dishonest, but, just look it over closely. You'll know if its ever been repaired. To say i was impressed by how well it works is an under statement. Mine does not leak anyplace, its been a tough splitter. If your comfortable with the price, get it, i don't think you'll ever be sorry. Should have about a 6 hp briggs on it
And, keep your spitter covered! That, alone will pay huge dividends! I use a couple of big plastic bags that come from pallets of stove pellets, they are very tough, protect your investment from the weather/elements and check it over just like you would a truck, catapillar, any equipment, for leaks, cracks anything that could damage your spitter. Then, enjoy making your job of splitting wood much,much easier!
I'd pay 600 all day long for that machine..... I have a 22T Swisher, paid 800 for it over 12 years ago (it was like new, used literally 2 or 3 times), still beating the pizz out of it to this day. Served me well over rhe years, I can't even tell you how many cord it's split! We had it at our GTG a.week ago and it was used all weekend.
That machine would be double that price (or more) new now (and used ones bring almost as much!) if it runs/works fine I'd snap it up!
OK you’ve convinced me to go for it. I’m out of town until late next week but will reach out before that. I’ll let you know how it goes!
I have an older version of that product. Mine has a different engine. It's split all my firewood for 4 years. I put it in the garage for storage. I have a big plastic tote to cover it up if rain shows up before I can put the splitter inside. Mine was for sale 4 years ago for $700. My dad bought it for a birthday/house warming present. His neighbor was selling it so I know my old man did not pay asking price. That splitter has not been used much. Based on current new splitter prices it's a good deal even if you need to fix a few things. I'd buy it at that price just to have a second one. Like chainsaws. 1 is none and 2 is 1.
You guys were really helpful, so I thought I’d provide an update. That guy didn’t reply to my offers to buy his splitter. It’s still sitting there. I rented a splitter for $103 for 24hrs, including spare fuel and delivery/pickup (mandatory inclusions). I ran it almost non-stop for nine hours. My only break was to eat a slice of bacon. My kids and even my wife help stack. We probably split 2.5 cords. It was a great day all around. 50% oak, other half is pacific dogwood, white birch and cherry. I LOVED having the splitter. That said, I’m only 50yo and I don’t need to split that much so maybe I’ll hold off buying for another few years. I like splitting by hand too for reasons I’m sure you understand. More realistically, another good deal will come along and the guy will actually reply this time and I’ll buy one. Anyway, thanks all for the advice.