This is in Utah where there have been a lot of complaints and new rules, etc. Most of us have probably seen similar scenes.
I drove by a smoke factory like this on my way to grandmother's house (some of the staff here might remember the texts) and that was my first encounter with an OWB, but that thing was putting out a vile yellow tinged smoke. Made me sick to my stomach, both from the fumes and from the way the owner was burning.
I have a neighbor mile or so away who burns friggin used tires in his. He does it late at night and I notice it on my way home from work. Stinks! I guess when you can't keep up with the wood that these things eat tires are the next best thing.
Think I'd be tempted to turn him in. We had one fellow several years back that was burning oil and tires but doing it after dark. Nasty driving by the place. We put a stop to it before the DNR got involved so we actually done him a favor. He knew he was wrong.
I gotta say, if I lived down wind from that I wouldn't be happy. OWB catch a lot of flak, but I assume they can be burned virtually smoke free?
Just to let you know. Sometimes on things like this it can be good to contact the township supervisor. Or go to a meeting to complain and ask that something be done. That is better than going to the DNR and perhaps causing huge fines. Better to just get the guy to stop.
Some are working on that but the sales people still lean on the fact that you can burn green wood. But those who dry their wood don't have so much smoke. Still, we have a neighbor who had one and loves it. But in the winter when he comes, one need not get very close to him to smell creosote. Well, at least his present boiler doesn't spew out a lot of smoke.
I'd drop a letter to him, with return address "Neighbor" and inform him that his irresponsible burning must stop immediately or else it will be stopped. Explain that dry wood is the only acceptable fuel and that smoky burning gets noticed even at night. Offer that he's welcome to have advance notice before environmental regulators come in with expensive fines. If you're not afraid of making an enemy, or think he might actually be interested in advice or assistance, give him a way to get back in touch with you. If we don't police ourselves, the laws will and that will be a lot less pleasant. David
I dont understand why anyone would want to waste wood burning green. To me its just stupid loosing all the btu's you could have had. I would also think it wood be hard on the owb init itself too all that creosote build up and the extra cleaning thats if the petson actually maimtains it which i doubt they do
I feel like the OWB sometimes get a bad rap, because I'm sure there are many who burn clean. But then you hear about people burning green wood, not to mention tires and oil, and it gives all of them a bad name. But BWS is spot on, I personally know people who bought one and the salesperson flat out told them that green wood burns better. I'd be pretty upset if I had to breathe smoke from one of those that was burning tires and oil for sure.
I have heard similar rumors about ash burning better when it's wet, and it causing chimney fires when dry due to it over firing. The people spreading these stores are what those in the IT industry used to label as ID=10T.